Home remedies to have hydrated hands Goodbye to dryness!

Home remedies to have hydrated hands Goodbye to dryness!

If you are one of those people who have dry, rough and dehydrated hands, and do not know what to do to improve your appearance? In this article you will find some home remedies that will help you have soft hands.

Home remedies to have hydrated hands Goodbye to dryness!

Moisturizing our hands is of utmost importance and more if you are, it is constantly exposed. Hydrating our hands does not help to cope with the different negative effects such as the sun, pollution and chemicals. Remember that the hands are the part of the body that is in contact with everything that is in the environment.

But not only what is in the environment can affect our hands, it is also due to our internal health. One of the reasons is due to lack of hydration, that is, when the correct amount of water is not taken. This for our body and organs to function as they should, there are also other reasons why it is in that state.

For this reason, we will be giving you a series of home remedies that will help keep your hands soft and hydrated, especially because they are one hundred percent natural and free of chemicals.

Egg yolk and olive oil:

The egg yolk is high in fat and nutrients, including vitamin A, D and E; which contributes with great benefits for dry and poorly hydrated skin. And as for olive oil it is essential to restore damaged skin tissues. This acts in an accelerated way to restore them by the contribution of vitamins it contains and acts as a healing.

What you need to make this remedy is an egg yolk and two tablespoons of olive oil. In a bowl mix the egg yolk with the tablespoons of oil. Then place the mixture in your hands and leave it on for 15 or 20 minutes. Then wash your hands with warm water, this remedy can be done 2 or 3 times a week.

Cocoa butter and almond oil:

These two ingredients together are a great source of vitamin E and antioxidants, which help remove dead skin cells and regenerate it. Likewise, moisturize the hands to be able to have a soft hand texture.

The ingredients to use are one tablespoon of cocoa butter and two tablespoons of almond oil. In a small pot melt the cocoa butter in a water bath, once it is melted the mixture with the almond oil. Then let it rest for a few minutes and then take a little of the mixture and spread it on your hands until it is absorbed. It should not be removed but left to act with greater force and can be done every night.

Lemon juice with coconut oil:

Lemon juice acts as a stain lightener, on the other hand it has astringent and antibacterial properties that help eliminate toxins. On the other hand, coconut oil is full of vitamin E, lauric acid, and essential amino acids. Which makes it excellent for moisturizing the skin with depth. The combination of these two natural products becomes a great option to moisturize the hands but also helps to fight skin blemishes and thus get soft and beautiful hands.

Now, for the preparation of this moisturizer you only need two tablespoons of coconut oil and a tablespoon of lemon juice. These ingredients are poured into a container to be mixed and applied to hands before sleeping. It should be left on for about 30 minutes and then the hands are rinsed, this can be done two or three times a week. Something to keep in mind is that you should not use this remedy in the day and thus avoid contact with sunlight.

Bee honey and oats:

Bee honey contains antibiotic properties, which makes it ideal for treating skin lesions. It also fights skin infections and acts as a healing, as well as helping to regenerate dead cells from damaged tissues. As for oats, it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help dry skin to remove dead cells. It is usually used as an exfoliant. Bee honey in conjunction with oatmeal is essential to moisturize the hands and at the same time remove dead cells.

If you have rough and dehydrated hands, combining oatmeal with honey will help you get soft and healthy hands. All you need to do is mix one tablespoon of oatmeal with two tablespoons of honey in a bowl. Then apply it on your hands for 30 minutes and finally wash them with warm water, do this 4 times a week.

Sugar and castor oil:

Sugar is also another natural ingredient that acts as an exfoliant for the skin, promising to remove dead cells. Since it has glycolic acid that allows wounds, acne and wrinkles to disappear. On the other hand, castor oil has moisturizing properties that allow our skin to be hydrated. By mixing these ingredients, they allow to remove dead cells and at the same time reduce dryness of the hands.

You only need two tablespoons of castor oil and one tablespoon of sugar; in one bowl these ingredients are mixed. Then moisten your hands a little and then apply the mixture starting to massage them together. It is done for a time of 15 minutes, after the time you wash your hands with warm water and repeat 2 to 3 times a week, this will allow you to have soft and hydrated hands.

Orange and honey:

The orange has a large proportion of vitamin C, which allows it to be used on the skin to produce collagen and elasticity. And together with honey it creates an exceptional moisturizer to treat cracked and dry hands, recovering the flexibility of the skin.

In a bowl you must squeeze a complete orange and add a tablespoon of honey, mix until forming a homogeneous mixture. Then apply it on your hands and start massaging the skin. It should be left on for 15 minutes and then rinsed hands with warm water, it can be done 2-3 times a week. This recipe will allow you to have soft and moisturized hands.

Water and apple cider vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar is known to contain malic acid that provides antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. Which makes it perfect for preventing skin infections and at the same time reducing impurities and scarring. This product will allow you to improve the health of your hands.

What you have to do is in a large container pour water until you reach half and add a considerable amount of apple cider vinegar. Then place your hands inside the container, letting it sit and massaging for about 10 minutes. After the time, rinse your hands with warm water and put on a moisturizer to complement.

Yogurt and oatmeal:

Yogurt allows you to remove dead skin cells and make it look better. Now combined with oatmeal an excellent exfoliant is created to level the PH and thus improve the health of the hands, making them have soft and hydrated hands.

Place in a bowl a tablespoon of yogurt and a tablespoon of oatmeal, mix to form a paste and if you want you can add a tablespoon of almond oil for greater result. Then place the mixture in your hands and start massaging them for 15 minutes. After the time is up, rinse with warm water.

Coconut oil and coffee:

This is one of the most favorable remedies for hands that are battered and dry. Well, coffee is one of the most used ingredients for the preparation of many beauty products. Since it acts as a cleanser, firming and also helps stimulate blood circulation. Along with coconut oil, an exfoliating and moisturizing cream is created, as it allows to remove dead cells and have soft hands.

Place in a bowl two tablespoons of coffee, a tablespoon of sugar and a tablespoon of coconut oil, mix well. Once a homogeneous mixture is created, place it on your hands and begin massaging it gently. For 5 minutes perform the massages in order to remove the dead cells and then with plenty of warm water wash your hands. Remember to use a moisturizer after exfoliating your hands.

Bee honey, milk and potato:

If you have hand problems such as dryness, cracking and others, rest assured that this remedy will help you solve these problems. Well, mainly milk is full of protein and biotin, which makes it a protector when there are external aggressions. In addition to containing carbohydrates and fats that makes it ideal as a skin moisturizer. However, the potato contains vitamin C, flavonoids and caffeic acid, which makes it ideal to help improve the skin.

What should be done is to boil the potato already previously peeled, to what is already soft is crushed with a fork and thus form a puree. Then add four tablespoons of liquid milk, one tablespoon of olive oil and six tablespoons of honey. All this is mixed until they integrate well, then apply the mixture on your hands and massage for 5 minutes. Finally, rinse with plenty of warm water. Do it 3 times a week to have soft hands.

Avocado with honey:

Avocado helps stimulate and generate collagen, it also contains vitamin E and C that helps the skin allowing greater blood circulation and elasticity. Together with the properties that honey possesses, it makes it ideal for moisturizing the hands.

Only half an avocado and two tablespoons of honey will be needed. The avocado is crushed with a fork until pureed and then mixed with honey. Then place the mixture on the hands and leave for 20 minutes. After the rest time wash your hands with warm water, it can be done 3 times a week.

Lemon juice and tomato juice:

Tomato has a lot of vitamins A and C, and is also an antioxidant. This natural product helps the hands to be soft and also helps to reduce skin blemishes. What is needed is a tablespoon of lemon and two tablespoons of tomato juice. In a bowl mix the two ingredients and apply it to the hands for 15 minutes and then wash with warm water. Repeat this procedure about two or three times a week for greater result.

Why are my hands dry and wrinkled?

There are multiple factors by which our hands are dry and wrinkled. But this problem is according to the type of skin we have, also if we have hereditary origins and the care we have. Some of the factors that cause the hands to dry, wrinkle and age are:

Cleaning products:

Most of the time we expose our hands with the different cleaning products. These products contain chemicals that can be harmful to the health of our hands and even more if gloves are not used when handled. Many of these products destroy the layer that protects our skin, this is responsible for protecting us from dehydration and other consequences.


It is true that the weather can affect our skin of the hands. Well, when these are exposed in summer to the sun’s rays and are not taken care of, the appearance of spots and dehydration can occur. Even so, in the winter they tend to wrinkle and look dry because blood circulation is much slower.

Hormonal changes:

It may seem incredible that hormonal changes have to do with our hands. But in the case of women when menopause arrives, the levels of the hormone estrogen are reduced much more. This leads to the production of collagens and elasticity being reduced damaging the hands.


As the years go by, the process of dehydration begins and the greater the pronunciation of flaccidity on our skin. During this period of aging, cell renewal slows down gradually.

As for treating these problems, it can be done by means of different treatments and home remedies. Of course, the results will depend on the constancy that is had in terms of their application. This will help prevent aging, also that our skin becomes thicker and rougher. It will also prevent the appearance of deep spots and wrinkles with the different treatments implemented.

Remedies to moisturize my hands

There is no satisfaction of being able to see that we have soft and beautiful hands, although many people do not have the same luck. But there is nothing to worry about that there are other home remedies that will allow you to obtain fabulous results and with natural ingredients.


The regular use of petroleum jelly is very important, as it helps prevent it from losing water and becoming dehydrated. It also helps maintain the firmness and elasticity of our skin for a long time. Each of its components easily penetrates our skin and prevents the loss of collagen.

Its use is very simple, you only need petroleum jelly and once you have it, take a small amount and place it on your hands massaging until it is completely absorbed. It should be applied at night and left to act overnight if rinsed, the next day wash your hands. It can be repeated every day to keep hands soft.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera or aloe vera offers to act on the skin as a cell regenerator, eliminating dead cells and regenerating tissues. It also acts as a healing agent and protects our skin from different damages. Each of the compounds such as antibacterial and antioxidants prevents the development of infections, spots and wrinkles on our hands.

This natural ingredient is ideal to combat dryness in our hands and that they are hydrated. You just need to extract the crystal from an aloe vera leaf and rub it on your hands with gentle massages. Then it is left to act for 20 minutes and then rinsed with plenty of warm water, perform this remedy every day at night.

Almond oil

An effective remedy to combat dry hands is the use of almond oil. This natural ingredient contains fatty acids and antioxidants that act effectively against poor skin hydration. In addition, it has powerful active compounds that help repair the skin and balance the PH. You just have to place a few drops on your hands and massage them until the oil is completely absorbed, there is no need to wash your hands. Do it every day!

How to prevent my hands from being dry

If we start to observe, many times our hands are battered and dry, all this is due to different external factors. Hands tend to be dry, cracked and rough, and very rarely do we find different treatments to improve their appearance. Other times we are not at all careful when using chemicals that can cause minor or serious injuries. That is why we want to teach you some tips to prevent our hands from being dry.

Clean with gloves

It is super important to wear gloves when performing some type of cleaning. Because many of the cleansers we use contain powerful chemicals that can be harmful to our skin. On many occasions we are allergic to some type of component that these products contain and produces adverse reactions. Wearing gloves will help us prevent this from happening.

Avoid hot water

Using very hot water can cause burns and scalds on our skin. This makes the skin of our hands look wrinkled, dry and also in poor condition. This is why direct contact with hot water should be avoided, because nobody likes to burn.

Always use nourishing creams

We must understand that you should constantly use nourishing creams that provide greater hydration to our skin. Many times, when we see that our hands begin to crack or dry out is that we go to use some type of cream. This should not be done, because we must act in advance to prevent premature aging of our hands.


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