How to combat Comedonian acne pimples or blackheads of the face?

How to combat Comedonian acne pimples or blackheads of the face

Acne is a problem that anyone can go through, many women wonder, how to balance hormones to eliminate acne? When our period comes, it is certainly not good to ingest acne pills without a prescription, only a specialist can prescribe them.

How to combat Comedonian acne pimples or blackheads of the face

However, there are solutions to reduce the amount of acne on our face, the point is to first identify what causes it and also know the type of skin we have since this speaks a lot about whether or not we are prone to suffer from acne.

What is acne?

Acne is defined as an alteration of the skin caused by an imbalance in the balance between water and oil that the skin has. There is an excess of fat that covers the hair follicles, which are filled with toxins, and waste material forming whiteheads, blackheads or papules in the epidermis.

Bacteria can inhabit these clogged follicles and spread the infection to other areas of the skin. It is also influenced by hormonal changes, stress and diet.

Causes of acne

Acne is caused by 4 important factors:

  • Excessive production of oil in the skin.
  • Skin pores clogged by grease and dirt
  • Bacteria reaching the site of obstruction
  • Inflammation of the clogged and contaminated pore.

As long as you can maintain a control of the fat on the face, acne can be better controlled.

What is comedonian acne and what are the types of acne?

Acne is everything we see manifested in the form of pimples or pimples; these pimples are usually the same called comedones. Comedonian acne is caused by excessive sebum production in our body. Excess sebum causes the pores to dilate and acquire a tendency to clog.

When the pore finally closes, the sebum remains inside it causing it to become a grain or comedo. For this reason, it is called comedonian acne. Acne does not end here, there are other types of acne besides comedonian.

Once the pores are clogged it is difficult for our skin to oxygenate properly. The lack of oxygen in our skin causes the bacterium Propionibacterium acnes or Cut bacterium acnes, who is responsible for doubling the number of comedones on our face.

When the pore finally closes, the sebum remains inside it causing it to become a grain or comedo. For this reason, it is called comedonian acne. Acne does not end here, there are other types of acne besides comedonian.

Once the pores are clogged it is difficult for our skin to oxygenate properly. The lack of oxygen in our skin causes the bacterium Propionibacterium acnes or Cut bacterium acnes, who is responsible for doubling the number of comedones on our face.

It should be noted that there are other types of acne such as hormonal or premenstrual acne, keloid acne due to reaction to hair removal, iatrogenic acne can also occur due to allergy to certain drugs or drugs. Rosacea is a type of acne that also affects much of the world’s population.

Finally, acne conglobata and severe acne are the most dangerous and are associated with immune diseases present in our system.

Inflammatory acne

Inflammatory acne occurs when the acne bacteria Propionibacterium acnes or Cut bacterium acnes enter the pores of the skin that are obstructed by the amount of sebum and irritates the entire area, which initiates an inflammatory process.

The inflamed pore is filled with neutrophils and lymphocytes, then rupturing towards the dermis causing local inflammation and pollution that forms purulent papules and pustules towards the epidermis.

These pores in the dermis are normally manipulated by the person who tends to bring more pollution to the area and spreads the infection to the rest of the skin.

How to know what are the causes that cause acne of the face?

To know the causes that cause acne on the face it is prudent to visit a specialist, it can be a cosmiatrist doctor or a dermatologist. After performing a proper review of the face, he will explain what is due to the presence of acne.

The causes may vary according to the type of skin, eating habits, medications or pathologies that each person has. That is why it is important to find the specific cause and based on that work to cure it.

Causes of Comedonian Acne, Conglobata Acne, or Hormonal Acne

The main causes that cause the types of acne that we have mentioned are: Hormonal alterations as a result of puberty or our premenstrual syndrome, pregnancy, stress as it results in an overproduction of sebum.

Another common cause for which acne originates is the excessive use of cosmetics without proper facial cleansing. Lack of hygiene on our face is one of the main causes of acne. It is excellent to know what your skin type is in order to identify your needs since oily or combination skin has a higher risk of acne.

As for acne conglobata, experts in the field indicate that its main causes of appearance on the skin are a series of genetic and hormonal factors. In the worst case, conglobata acne is caused by some medications.

Hormonal acne represents hormonal alterations in our body. Some hormonal syndromes are suffered by acne, for example, polycystic ovary syndrome, a pathology that produces excess sebum in our body and gives rise to acne.

What is the worst type of acne?

Due to the severity of its presence, deep or disseminated folliculitis is considered the worst type of acne. It is an infection that affects the deepest part of the follicles producing inflammation.

Its appearance is due to a bacterial infection resulting from poor handling of a cyst, pustule or pimple. With the indicated treatment the solution can appear in a matter of days, but if it complicates it will be necessary to consult with the specialist.

Acne Treatments

The treatment for acne will be guided by the type and area in which it is located. It seeks to reduce the amount of sebum produced by the skin, mediate the inflammatory process and eliminate the scars it leaves.

Faced with acne it is advisable to go to a dermatologist or other medical specialist who can check your skin and indicate the appropriate treatment. Everything will depend on how constant you are and the care you start giving to your skin.

Among the treatments that are usually used are:

  • Antibiotics: It is used to eliminate bacteria that are located on the skin and in turn prevent inflammation. It is usually indicated together with benzoyl peroxide in order for bacteria not to create resistance to the antibiotic. Individual use is not recommended. Antibiotics tend to be used both topical and oral.
  • Acids: Retinoic, azelaic and salicylic are the most commonly used in the treatment of acne. The specific one will be the one that does not cause any negative reaction to your skin. Its concentration will depend on your skin type and the type of acne you suffer, it is usually used 3 times a week and then, when the skin gets used to it, it can be used daily.
  • Contraceptives: When acne has a hormonal cause, combined oral contraceptives are used to maintain a balance between hormones and thus control acne.
  • Isotretinoin: Usually used when there is no response from antibiotics. This medicine is a derivative of vitamin A and generates important side effects, so its use under strict medical supervision is recommended.
  • Facial therapies: Facial therapies are techniques that help keep the skin clean and complement topical and oral treatment. Phototherapy, chemical peeling, cleansing, drainage and removal of comedones have generated positive effects on the skin. Remember these therapies should be performed by a professional person every 21 days.

What type of treatment to use for acne of the face? Find out here

The treatment for acne will depend entirely on the type of acne that occurs, as well as the type of skin that the person who suffers from it has.

The treatment will be directed towards the decrease of sebum production in the face and then the treatment for possible infections. To this must be added the daily care of the face, a cleaning with special elements for the type of skin that is possessed.

Acne often appears in people with oily skin type, the extreme production of sebum causes the pores of the skin to become clogged and dirt is trapped forming inflammation and the consequent pimple.

Therefore, it is important to provide adequate cleansing to the skin using special products for each type.

Recipes for removing blackheads

Home treatments are not really a good option when it comes to taking care of something as serious and delicate as acne, pimples and blackheads. We recommend that you immediately go to a specialist, only a dermatologist can tell you what the remedy for acne is.

Remember that all the material that blackheads have is infectious and not treating it properly will only make things worse, and can spread the infection to other parts of the skin.

Some notes that we can give you is that you wash your skin at least twice a day with a cleanser that suits your skin type and use sunscreen so that your pimples do not cause spots.

Aloe Vera is an excellent home treatment when the plant is purified of all the iodine it may contain. Even so, there are those who have suffered from allergic reactions to this plant, which is why we recommend that you attend a specialist.

Also, rice water is the healthiest to reduce inflammation and no adverse effects have been found. You can leave rice soaking overnight and the next day make ice cubes with this water. When the cubes are ready, pass them all over your face and they will reduce inflammation and redness.

Remember to comply with a proper daily cleaning both in the morning and at night and you can achieve significant changes in your face. A commitment to your skin can heal it but you have to know that it is a slow process that needs perseverance.

Methods to remove pimples or blackheads from the face 100% Effective

Start by doing a facial cleansing and after it then start a daily care that allows you to keep your face clean and protected. Just follow the steps below.

  • Buy facial cleanser, scrub and toner for your skin type.
  • Start by washing your face with the facial cleanser, then dry with a clean cloth patting, do not rub the cloth on your skin.
  • Apply exfoliant and exfoliate the skin from the neck to the forehead, ascending and in circles. If your skin is oily, do not exfoliate for a long time or with much force. Remove and dry.
  • Apply toner to your skin and wait for it to dry.
  • Vaporize your face for 10 minutes so that the pores of the skin dilate and then proceed to clean with a saccomedon.
  • Remove as many blackheads and pimples as you can, be sure to clean the sac constantly.
  • At the end wash the face with the facial cleanser and dry.
  • Add a moisturizing cream or gel depending on your skin type.
  • Apply sunscreen.
  • From now on you should perform a similar cleansing in the morning using facial soap, toner, moisturizing cream or gel and sunscreen. And in the evenings facial soap, toner and nourishing cream or gel.
  • The facial exfoliation should be done every 15 days and the complete cleansing with extraction once a month. In addition to this it is necessary that you ingest at least 1500ml of water daily and try to eat balanced so that your body and skin have the necessary nutrients.


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