How to do a home tooth whitening without damaging the enamel

How to do a home teeth whitening without damaging the enamel

Currently, the vast majority of people want to look their best and, in many cases, we have a small obsession with looking good, looking attractive or simply being satisfied with our physical appearance, the state and appearance of our teeth have a fundamental role, their teeth whitening, in how we see ourselves physically.

How to do a home teeth whitening without damaging the enamel

The appearance of our teeth, in many cases is not a serious symptomatology, but if it forms an aesthetic and social problem, it should be noted that dental whitening treatments take an investment of time and not only that, but in some cases large sums of money; And many of us do not have the possibility of professional treatment.

Fortunately, there are a variety of home remedies for teeth whitening, with ingredients that many can get in our homes, in a store, supermarket or pharmacy.

For years myths have been created about these home remedies, but we must bear in mind which of those many remedies will not affect the state of our teeth.

What is teeth whitening?

Dental whitening is an aesthetic dentistry treatment that is applied to remove stains from the teeth, where patients undergo a series of treatments, diagnoses, procedure planning and maintenance of results, this is done by a dental professional.

It is vitally important that the dentist is trained to perform this series of procedures, said professional must be trained in the handling of whitening agents and that he knows thoroughly both the indications and contraindications of teeth whitening techniques to be able to transmit them to patients.

How to prevent teeth from losing their white tone?

There are different aspects that we must take care of so that our teeth do not lose their original tone, it should be noted that not all people have white teeth naturally.

But although not all people have that white tone that we all want in our teeth, there are several ways to prevent our teeth from losing the white tone or in some people who have their teeth a little yellowish by nature, they get much more yellow.

Take care of food

One of those aspects and personally the most important, is in what we eat and drink daily, since some foods and drinks have pigments that can leak between the pores of the teeth or as dentists call them, the dental canaliculi (intermediate tissue of the tooth).

The best-known drinks are coffee and tea, this pair of drinks are the most consumed worldwide, it should be noted that coffee contains molecules called chromogens which adhere to the enamel and affect the color tone.

Moreover, green tea is the least harmful to tooth enamel and red and black tea are the most harmful to the tooth enamel of your teeth.

Now, we have other series of drinks that not only affect the color of your teeth, but can also become harmful to dental health and increase the likelihood of cavities, these drinks are carbonated soft drinks and energy drinks.

Both drinks demineralize enamel, but energy drinks provide large amounts of sugars and acids, and as we mentioned before, increases the possibility of cavities.

In some localities even water can give that yellow hue to the teeth, because the water has large amounts of fluoride, which causes an excess of a substance known as fluorosis.

Which causes stains on the teeth, and although it manifests itself with the formation of stains and small spots on the teeth, fluorosis is not a problem of oral hygiene.

Similarly, certain foods also affect the tone of the teeth, such as fruits and vegetables of intense colors or with acidic properties, such as cherries, blackberry, beets, raspberries and blueberries, among others.

It does not mean that you cannot consume fruits or vegetables of intense colors, but it is advisable to brush your teeth well after consuming them.

Use of whitening toothpaste

We must bear in mind that whitening toothpaste has a very limited effect when it comes to clarifying the tone of the teeth.

But in the same way, within its limited action, they work to eliminate or prevent small stains on the teeth caused by certain foods already mentioned, such as coffee or tea.

It should be noted that we must be careful when acquiring any toothpaste, because some of them can be harmful to the health of the teeth, so the best way is to acquire these products in places authorized for the sale of such products.

Avoiding tobacco

Smoking, tobacco, cigarettes or anything else, seriously affects our health, and one of the most affected areas is oral health. What affects tobacco to our oral health, goes far beyond just what we can see with the naked eye, such as the loss of white nature and the appearance of stains on our teeth.

In fact, it is a long list of oral diseases related to smoking, but the most outstanding are, periodontitis, is a pathology treated with the destruction of the supporting tissues of the teeth and can even cause the loss of them.

Another disease is leukoplakia or oral cancer, which is a lesion of the oral mucosa and one of the most dangerous diseases caused by this habit.

How to do teeth whitening at home?

There are a variety of methods to do teeth whitening at home, but many of them are myths, with products difficult to acquire and in some cases can affect the health of our teeth or gums

With baking soda

This is one of the best-known methods, since baking soda has natural whitening properties, helps remove spots on the surface of the teeth and also creates an alkaline environment in the mouth, preventing the growth of bacteria.

It should be noted that this method will not whiten your teeth in a matter of a couple of days, but you will notice the difference over time.

To use this method, mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 2 teaspoons of water and brush your teeth with the paste that is formed, this practice can be applied about 3 times a week, since excessive use can affect your teeth.

Applying hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide or hydrogen peroxide is a compound that we have all used as an antiseptic for wounds and is a product found in most homes.

This product is an active ingredient in many teeth whitening products, which raises the question of whether the product is a good tooth whitener. The most common way to use this method is in the form of a mouthwash.

To do this, we will dilute the product with water until a 1.5% solution is obtained, since in pharmacies and shops it is usually sold with a concentration that lies between 3 to 5% and using it with a high concentration can be harmful to the gums. It is recommended to rinse the mouth well maximum about 3 times a week.

Using activated charcoal

It is a type of carbon that is subjected to high temperatures and thus increases the size of the material and makes it a porous structure, causing it to become a kind of sponge that can absorb a large amount of toxins and dirt.

This product is widely used in industries for the treatment of wastewater or to purify water and make it drinkable.

Now, activated charcoal can eliminate certain surface stains on our teeth, and getting rid of that unwanted yellow color.

But everything has its limits, since the continuous use of this product can deteriorate the teeth since activated charcoal is very abrasive. So, if you are going to implement this method, I recommend that you do not use it daily and in small proportions.

Placing banana peel

This is a new method and unlike those already mentioned does not cause damage, the peel of a banana has different minerals, such as potassium, magnesium and manganese; when rubbing the banana peel on the teeth they are adsorbed and this results in teeth whitening.

It should be noted that the use of banana peel is much healthier than other alternatives, since it is not abrasive unlike the methods already mentioned.

There are several myths that say that this method is not very effective, but since it has no contraindications that can affect the health of our teeth, we can test this method.

To apply this method, all we have to do is remove a strip of peel from a banana, preferably ripe and not black, then rub the inner part of the peel against your upper and lower teeth, until they are completely covered with a layer produced by the banana paste.

Once the teeth are completely covered, leave the paste for 10 minutes, trying to keep your mouth open and your lips separated from your teeth, thus preventing the banana paste from being removed.

After spending the 10 minutes brush your teeth, with a dry brush, so the banana paste will penetrate your teeth, do this until everything is covered, then wet the brush and use toothpaste to remove the banana paste.

Applying coconut oil

One of the best ways to use coconut oil is in the form of mouthwash, as this form helps eliminate the bacteria that inhabit the league and also neutralizes bad breath and slightly whitens teeth.

Coconut oil manages to neutralize many bacteria and helps fight and prevent the formation of plaque.

Now the application of this product is very simple:

  1. Place a tablespoon of cold coconut oil in your mouth.
  2. Shake the oil in your mouth for 15 to 20 minutes, avoiding swallowing, as it will have many of the toxins your body is trying to flush out.
  3. Spit out the oil and rinse your mouth with warm water and gargle with warm water mixed with salt.
  4. Finally, brush your teeth using toothpaste to remove bacteria and excess remaining fats.

Applying carbamide peroxide

The application of carbamide peroxide is mostly used by dental specialists, but it can still be handled at home for outpatient whitening.

The procedure is simple, with the materials that must be used, including splint, bleaching gel (carbamide peroxide 10% or 15%), gauze and petroleum jelly.

The steps are as follows:

  1. Place petroleum jelly on the lips so that the whitening gel does not provide side effects.
  2. Add carbamide peroxide to the splint.
  3. Place the splint on the denture both above and below and leave it on for about 2 or 8 hours, all depending on the color you want to reach for 15 days.

How long does a home whitening last?

The duration of a teeth whitening will depend on the care that the person has when this treatment has been carried out, if good care is carried out this last for a long time.

A whitening performed by experts using the correct materials and the correct procedure lasts from 1 to 3 years, while an ambulatory whitening lasts approximately 6 months to 1 year.

What is the approximate price of teeth whitening?

The stipulated fee for the realization of a teeth whitening varies according to your locality, for example, in the United States it has a cost around $ 650 made directly with a specialist.

On the other hand, the price of teeth whitening in Spain is approximately 250 euros.

It should be noted that before performing it, dental aesthetics specialists will assess the case and perform a complete review to determine if the patient will have favorable results.


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