How to know what type of moisturizer to use for my skin type

How to know what type of moisturizer to use for my skin type

We all want to show off perfect skin, skin that is pleasant with a proper tone and without any imperfections. But what happens is that in many cases we want to protect our skin or recover it from some process, but we do not even know what type of skin we have. Not all skin moisturizers are created equal.

How to know what type of moisturizer to use for my skin type

Knowing how to determine your skin type is the most important aspect when it comes to face care. If we know the skin we have, we can perfectly attack the problem, without endangering the health of our skin. Since when using unsuitable products, we run the risk of irritation or further damage to the skin of the face.

Why use skin moisturizers? Here the answer

There are multiple benefits that can be obtained from using moisturizers. Mainly, having a well-hydrated skin helps prevent the appearance of wrinkles and expression lines on our face. According to experts, if the skin is not properly nourished, its protective barrier is weakened, it dries out and this results in a loss of collagen.

If we suffer from a loss of collagen in our skin, the possibility of accelerating aging appears. On the other hand, using moisturizers provides us with a recovery of the protective barrier of our skin, this means that we avoid suffering from any type of irritation, discomfort or pain. It also helps us to adapt our skin to the environmental environment in which we are, whether summer or winter, using a correct moisturizer, will help you better adapt to your skin.

Tips for using moisturizers on any skin type

There are several aspects to take into account to get the most out of moisturizers. I recommend that you use it mainly in the morning, but before applying it, try to deeply clean your skin, trying to remove dirt that clogs pores.

Then, it is advisable to use some type of tonic. The tonic to use will depend on the type of skin you have. With the use of the toner, you will eliminate those impurities that remained in the pores of your face, so the moisturizer will reach the deepest layers of the skin.

Now we will proceed to apply the moisturizer. It is best to apply it by massaging it with our fingers. This will help stimulate circulation.

What kind of skin do I have?

It is important to know what type of skin we have, if you use an unsuitable product, you could cause some damage to your skin. We will give you the best skin moisturizers, no matter what type of skin you have. Also, how to identify what type of skin you have.

Moisturizers for combination skin

Combination skin is characterized by being a combination of normal skin – dry and oily. This skin has a shiny appearance, focusing mostly on the areas of the forehead, nose and chin. On the other hand, the skin of the cheek areas is normal or dry.

For this type of skin, I recommend using moisturizers for skin, from the brand ROCHE POSAY. This brand stands out for containing HYALURONIC ACID, a fundamental ingredient, to help water retention that will help keep your face healthy. In addition to having a fast absorption, without leaving a greasy sensation.

Another good option is the FACIAL CREAM Q10 ANTI-WRINKLE FROM NIVEA, with two incredible products in its composition, such as COENZYME Q10 and CREATINE. It is proven that these components effectively reduce wrinkles and sebum production, in addition to preventing damage from external agents.

How to moisturize normal skin

First of all, to determine if our skin is normal, it must have the following characteristics. It should be soft, elastic, with small pores and have a pink hue. If these are the characteristics of your skin, then you have a normal skin, which although you neglect its protection a little, will not cause great damage. But be careful, this does not mean that you should neglect it, because like other skin types, they need to be moisturized.

The steps to moisturize a normal skin type are the same. First, we must perform a good cleansing, then apply a facial tonic, to remove the remaining impurities and finally apply the moisturizer. It is important to follow this routine despite having normal skin, this will help you maintain the good condition of your skin and avoid premature aging, wrinkles and marked expression lines.

How to moisturize oily skin

However, oily skin is characterized by having a higher sebum production than necessary, due to genetic factors, stress or hormonal situations. This results in the appearance of pimples and pimples on the skin of the face. To treat this type of skin, you should be a little stricter.

To moisturize oily skin, it is the same formula, but a little stricter. We start by performing a facial cleansing, using a cleansing cream, use this cream 2 times a day. In the morning when you get up and before going to sleep, then apply the facial tonic, to remove the remaining impurities. Finally apply the moisturizer, but try to make it for special use of oily skin, otherwise, you could cause a problem in your skin.

To this procedure, you need to add an exfoliation once a week. In this way, you can remove the impurities that are created in the open pores, called blackheads. In this way you will eliminate excess oil and sebum from your skin.

Also, it is essential that you use sunscreen. This is something very important in people who suffer from this type of skin. This is because ultraviolet rays are very harmful to the skin and can irritate and even stain the skin on your face. If you want to moisturize your skin properly, you should use sunscreen every day.

How many types of cream there are

There are several types of skin moisturizers, each with a different function. Remember that we cannot all use the same type of cream, because we have different skin types, each with different characteristics, positive aspects and negative aspects.

We have the cream, for dry skin, which is responsible for moisturizing the skin tissue, giving it shine, softness and recovering the natural tone. On the other hand, sensitive skin needs formulas that moisturize the skin to avoid irritation. We also have moisturizers for oily skin, these have specialized formulas to reduce the production of sebum.


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