How to remove stretch marks and cellulite with the use of essential oils

How to remove stretch marks and cellulite with the use of essential oils

Most likely, none of us women like to have cellulite and stretch marks on our body. But unfortunately, a large percentage of the female population has this problem, but not only women but also men have this problem. And because of this problem many times you suffer with the level of self-esteem, most have a very low self-esteem. And the truth is a problem that affects greatly, because it does not allow us to feel very safe in our body. But for everything there is a solution and for this there is a wide variety of oils that help.

How to remove stretch marks and cellulite with the use of essential oils

However, what are those pink or violet lines that come out on our skin? These lines known as stretch marks, are product when our skin stretches breaking the elastic fibers of our skin. This happens when we gain weight and when we decrease weight, also in those women who are pregnant usually present in the belly. Another product that stretch marks come out is due to the lack of hydration, collagen and elasticity in our skin.

In the case of cellulite, it is a bacterial skin infection that can affect our skin, it can also be known as a group of fats that are deposited in certain areas of our body. This is because our metabolism has not been able to eliminate them and causes them to accumulate. This problem usually appears in the stage of puberty onwards, this is due to the physiology and anatomy of each person.

However, there are some ways to combat these problems and it is the use of different essential oils. These essential oils are purely natural and help fight cellulite and stretch marks in a way that they are reduced little by little. Since these, penetrate to the deepest layer of our skin causing it to nourish and absorb all the properties of these oils that are beneficial.

How to fight stretch marks and cellulite with natural products

In the world they have always imposed prototypes which have to be perfect as having a perfect body that does not have spots or excessive weight. And in fact, many companies and agencies have been responsible for advertising campaigns where they show how perfect the body of a woman and a man has to be. But nevertheless, there are others that have broken with this prototype, making us feel safe in our body.

But if you are one of those who want to reduce the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite, here we will present a series of home remedies where natural products will be used. These natural products apart from helping to combat this problem, will provide multiple benefits to our skin. These remedies are as follows:

Lemon juice:

Lemon is natural fruit helps fight spots on the skin, it contains properties such as vitamin C, antioxidants and others. These properties help the production of collagen and makes using it for stretch marks functional to diminish their appearance.

For the application of lemon juice, you have to chop a lemon in half and squeeze in the area where the stretch marks are. With circular motions rub the lemon juice and then leave it for about 15 minutes. After the time rinse with plenty of soap and water, it is recommended to be done at night, because if it is done in the day the sunlight could stain the skin.

Shea butter:

This butter is known for its incredible nutrients that help heal and soften the skin thus improving its appearance. Among its nutrients is vitamin F which is ideal to help regenerate the skin and in addition to vitamins A, D and E that allow better healing and improves the appearance of spots.

What makes it ideal to treat stretch marks of our skin and as for its application, you only have to place a moderate amount on the stretch marks. Then it begins to spread with circular massages so that it helps improve blood circulation and stimulates the production of collagen. This butter will help you nourish the skin much more and improve the appearance of the skin.

Aloe vera:

This wonderful plant is widely used for multiple problems that occur in the skin and in the case of stretch marks helps effectively. Aloe vera contains multiple nutritional properties that favor the production of collagen in our skin. What should be done is to apply a little aloe vera gel (you can apply the crystal it has) on the affected area. Leave for about 30 minutes until the skin absorbs it completely and then rinse with water. Apply it at night.


Horsetail has a very important mineral that helps fight stretch marks and this is silicon which is an extremely natural regenerator. Apart from the other nutrients it contains it enhances it to help take care of our skin.

A preparation of horsetail should be made with other ingredients such as alcohol. In a glass jar with lid pour a liter of alcohol at 40 ° and add about 500 gr of horsetail. This is left to rest for a month and once the time has passed you add about 8 drops of lemon juice. Then, place this mixture in the area where you have stretch marks and begin to give circular massages until it is absorbed into the skin. Do it continuously at night.


Coffee is a natural product that helps us in many opportunities to exfoliate our skin and fight blemishes. But it is also one of the best remedies to help fight cellulite and this is thanks to the properties it contains that helps improve blood circulation.

What you have to do is mix a small cup of coffee with two tablespoons of brown sugar until they are well incorporated. Then apply it to the area where there is cellulite and start making circular movements for about 5 minutes. You can also add a few drops of olive oil to support the recipe. Finally rinse with plenty of warm water and do it about 3 times a week.


This fruit known as papaya or milky is rich in properties that benefit our skin and help improve the appearance of cellulite. Well, it has enzymes that help to gradually eliminate dead cells from our skin and increase collagen production.

To make this remedy to combat cellulite you just have to do the following: you have to crush half a previously peeled papaya until it becomes puree. Then add a tablespoon of sugar and mix until it integrates well. Then apply it on the cellulite and start massaging for about 5 or 8 minutes and then rinse with plenty of water.


Avocado is rich in natural vitamins and oils that help fight cellulite. But in this case to help improve cellulite is going to be used is the seed of the avocado in a mask. What is going to be done is to scratch the seed of the avocado with a grater in the thickest part it has will be a total of 4 seeds. Then in a glass jar with lid pour the zest and add two tablespoons of almond oil. Once mixed it is placed in a dark and cool place for about three days.

Once the stipulated time has passed, stir the mixture again and store them in the fridge. To apply it you must previously take a shower with warm water in order to open the pores. Having open pores allows the skin to absorb more intensely the nutrients of this mask. You have to place some of this mixture where the area affected by cellulite is and start massaging for 15 minutes. Massages should be clockwise and rinsed with cold water.

Egg white:

Egg white is another excellent mask to help reduce stretch marks, it is rich in proteins and amino acids. What you have to do is place about two egg whites in a container and place it with a brush in the form of a mask on the stretch marks. The skin should be previously cleansed, then allowed to dry for a few minutes. Then rinse with plenty of cold water and repeat this mask constantly until you see improvement.

The best oils to treat stretch marks and cellulite

Essential oils are a natural product that provides multiple properties that benefit our skin. Among these properties you can find vitamins, amino acids, minerals, antioxidants and others. All these properties fulfill a very fundamental function that is to help repair our skin from damage caused such as stretch marks and cellulite. Below we will see a list of the essential oils that work in the best way to combat these problems:

  • Castor oil
  • Almond oil
  • Olive oil
  • Chamomile oil
  • Lavender oil
  • Tea tree oil
  • Rosehip oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Flaxseed oil
  • Calendula oil

Methods to treat stretch marks and cellulite using 100% effective natural oils

Some of the methods found to help treat stretch marks and cellulite is using essential oils of natural origin. These essential oils provide our skin to be more hydrated and smoother, thus treating these problems. In addition to the multiple properties, it contains mentioned above, which makes it possible to achieve great results. The only thing that should be applied is to apply these oils and with the help of massages and other strategies will help reduce the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite.

Oils for cellulite and stretch marks


To help reduce cellulite we find some essential oils that work perfectly. The most effective way to use these oils is by massaging the area where the cellulite is located. As the massages are performed this will allow the skin to more easily absorb all the nutrients contained in the oils and can be used every day.

  • Fennel oil: This wonderful oil will help eliminate all the toxins found in the skin and at the same time helps the production of collagen. On the other hand, it allows to create firmness in the skin and thus avoid cellulite.
  • Cypress oil: This is a not very common oil but excellent for fighting cellulite. This allows to improve lymphatic drainage, is a problem that causes the formation of cellulite. By using this oil, it allows blood circulation to be stimulated and this problem to improve.
  • Citrus oils: These oils are lemon, tangerine, lime and orange, which improve blood circulation and the high content of vitamin C helps the production of collagen. At the same time, it reduces the growth of fat cells known as cellulite.

Stretch marks

In addition to oils that help eliminate cellulite, there are some natural oils that help eliminate or reduce stretch marks. These oils make our skin 100% nourished and that all contained properties benefit our skin. For the application and use of these oils, it is most convenient to place a few drops on your hands and rub until heated. Then place it directly where the stretch marks are with previous massages. This will allow it to be absorbed more easily.

  • Rosehip oil: This wonderful oil has been used for thousands of years for the benefits it brings to our skin. Well, this oil acts effectively to eliminate stretch marks and scars. This is due to the high content of vitamins and fatty acids it contains. In addition to containing a large amount of omega 3, 6 and 9 that makes our skin nourish completely.
  • Coconut oil: Coconut oil has a high content of vitamin K and E that supports the production of collagen and the elasticity of the skin. This allows it to act as a tissue regenerator and diminish the appearance of stretch marks. It also provides great hydration to the skin that penetrates to the deepest layer.
  • Sweet almond oil: This oil is rich in different proteins and minerals which is helpful in helping to decrease stretch marks. The use of this oil makes the skin remain moisturized and hydrated in its entirety, which allows stretch marks to decrease their color and appearance.

Oils for homemade cellulite

Anti-cellulite oils can be purchased in supermarkets, pharmacies and in sales of beauty products, which are already prepared to be used. These oils have a composition with natural products. But if you want to make a natural and homemade oil to fight cellulite, here we will leave you some recipes that will work for you:

1. Reducing oil:

This cellulite reducing oil is made from natural essential oils that will allow us to penetrate the deepest layers of our skin. What will greatly benefit to reduce cellulite and when massaged with these oils, will cause better blood circulation by burning accumulated fat.

To use this oil will have to be after a shower so that it can be done with clean and fresh skin. At the same time, it will allow the pores to open and this will allow the oil to be absorbed more easily. However, it will begin to improve blood circulation and that apart from reducing cellulite it can also be used to reduce fat in any other part of our body. If you perform this process constantly you will notice great changes in your body and with the realization of massages the result will be better.


  • 200 gr of avocado oil.
  • 12 drops of rosemary essential oil.
  • 12 drops of lavender essential oil.
  • A glass bottle.
  • 12 drops of cypress essential oil.


In a clean bowl place, the 200 gr of avocado oil and add the 12 drops of each mentioned oil that would be 36 drops in general. Then it is mixed until they integrate well and then placed in the glass bottle. Once the recipe is ready, you can use it every day at night.

2. Anti-cellulite oil:

Anti-cellulite oil is composed of a number of natural oils that will help decrease cellulite in the affected areas. These oils provide great hydration and will also eliminate the accumulated fat in our body. Likewise, they will help improve collagen production, elasticity, blood circulation and firm the skin.


  • 50 ml of sweet almond oil.
  • 4 drops of lemon oil.
  • 5 drops of rosemary oil.
  • 3 drops of tea tree oil.


In a glass container place, all the ingredients and shake until they integrate very well. This mixture of oils can be used after bathing at night. You just have to place a little in the area where the cellulite is and with circular massages which will allow it to act better.

Blend of oils for stretch marks

You can mix different oils that have been mentioned above which will allow to work in a better way the elimination or reduction of stretch marks. These oils will have a common purpose that will be to moisturize, moisturize and regenerate the skin affected by stretch marks. This provides greater collagen production, elasticity and better blood circulation. These are some of the mixtures you can make:

  1. Jojoba, lavender and calendula.
  2. Geranium, sesame and coconut.
  3. Rosemary, basil and rosehip.

Best natural oils for stretch marks and cellulite

Earlier we mentioned some oils that are perfect to use and that help the problems of cellulite and stretch marks. But finally, we have other oils that are also very good for this situation and these are the following:

  • Grape.
  • Marula.
  • Jojoba.
  • Cypress.
  • Fennel.


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