What can you eat at dinner so as not to get fat? Foods that are inadvisable

What can you eat at dinner so as not to get fat Foods that are inadvisable

Many times, we worry about what to have dinner and what foods will be best for this time. What we can be clear about is that dinner should not be too heavy and loaded. This is because it could cause a few extra kilos in our body. Because if we eat abundantly and go to bed to sleep, we will begin to accumulate fat in our body. This happens because we are not doing some kind of exercise to burn calories.

What can you eat at dinner so as not to get fat Foods that are inadvisable

Likewise, we must bear in mind that when we go to sleep our body works differently than in the day. In other words, our body works slowly which means that if we eat heavy food at night, it is not digested well. On the other hand, it causes the accumulation of fats causing us to gain weight.

However, many people sometimes prefer not to eat at night, which can have consequences for the body. It is best to reduce the portion of food and that it contains healthy foods that are not heavy for intake. Also, these are some of the foods that you can consume for dinner and that do not fatten: fruits, vegetables, eggs, white meats, whole grain products and some cereals.

Tips for eating healthy at dinner properly

Nowadays many people do not take into account their diet and let their rhythm of life put it aside. In other words, we do not dedicate enough time to attend to our diet and make it healthy. Consequently, very serious consequences such as obesity, diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and others are obtained. Also, if we do not have an adequate diet, it could cause sleep problems.

During the day it may be that we have a poor diet due to the occupations we have and do not eat at the established times. Then at dinner we can complement this situation, by feeding ourselves with a healthy dinner.

Dinner times

Most of the time we do not have dinner at the time that is established or the most recommended, which results in weight gain and diseases. According to some studies, they certify that the best thing to do is to have dinner at a certain time and that the different meals have their schedules. That is, if we have breakfast at 8 in the morning, the ideal is that we have dinner at 8 at night so that we have a period of 12 hours of food.

On the other hand, the recommendation given by some nutritionists is that a light and not heavy dinner be made. Also, that this is ingested about two hours before going to sleep, so that our body can do the correct digestion. In addition, we have to take into account that at night our digestive system works more slowly. Since you are not doing any type of physical activity.

Moderate portions

Something we must understand is that we have to eat correctly and not overdo the number of servings of food. However, a serving is an amount of a particular food, which contains an exact amount of nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins and others.

Now, within the food groups there is the possibility of exchanging this for another food of the same group. Since it has the same portion and contains very similar nutrients that can be varied to make a healthy dinner.

Also, the age, height and gender of each person should be taken into account to establish what portion of food they should consume. This will be of great importance to be able to take a healthy diet and more if you have problems with food. In addition, if we do this, we can have a better diet day by day, which will not present us with any kind of problem.

Listen to your body

Many times, what we do is eat and eat just as sometimes we do not eat because we have a diet, but we never pay attention to our body and what it wants to tell us. On the other hand, there is a method to help listen to our body and this is intuitive eating. In other words, it allows us to learn to listen to our body and to give it the ideal amount and the right food it needs. That is, it helps maintain a very healthy relationship with what we eat without having anxiety or guilt about what we eat.

When a human being is born, he is already born with the ability to know how much food to eat and the time it should be done. For example, when a baby this little one cries when he is hungry and when he does not receive more food it is because he is already satisfied. This is lost over time as we grow, we no longer have that ability to know when and how much I should eat.

In addition, it does not respect the established schedules of meals and creates a bad habit, either due to lack of time or that we eat as quickly as possible and do not let the digestive system do its job. Also, because we eat it is because of anxiety or we prefer to feed ourselves while we work. This has very serious consequences for our body and body.

On the other hand, intuitive eating is not a type of diet, more than anything it is based on learning to channel our emotions. In this way, when channeling our emotions, we will not have to eat more or less because of emotional imbalances. These imbalances can be caused by stress, anger, anxiety, sadness, or other. Also, intuitive eating is not based on eating but that we can have a process of reconciliation with our body, our emotions and food. In this way we will achieve a balance with our diet.

What foods make you fat at night? Avoid these meals at dinner

We usually have a very bad habit regarding our eating and more when it comes to dinner. Well, many times we prefer to eat foods that are very heavy and which are not going to be ingested very well in our digestive system. Consequently, there is the possibility of gaining weight while sleeping, since we do not have a light and healthy meal for dinner.

A very bad habit we have is that when we do not want to make a healthy dinner, we resort to going out to eat or ordering food at home. Simply put, many times these foods are called fast, street or junk foods. This is because they are loaded with a lot of fats and carbohydrates that will not be able to burn while sleeping because there is no physical activity.

Other times we only cook meals that are not healthy and more for dinner. Among the foods or foods that we should not consume are the following:

  • Burgers.
  • Hot Dog or hot dogs.
  • Chocolates.
  • Lettuce.
  • Pizza.
  • Bread.
  • Spicy.
  • Pasta.
  • Rice.
  • Cheese.
  • Red wine.
  • Flours.

What can I eat at night to lose belly or not gain weight?

During the article we talked about what we should not eat and that affects our body. However, we will let you know some options that you can consume and that will not affect you in weight gain and excess fat in the belly. These options are as follows:


This is a fruit which has a high content of flavonoids that reduces inflammation, also because it contains a high percentage of water. It will also allow the appearance of the belly to be improved and it to look much flatter. In addition, this food can be added in salads, sandwiches or eaten on its own. However, ingesting it alone is something that not many people do because of the flavor it has, but if you are brave do it.

Vegetable broth

Vegetables are a very good option for dinner and be able to maintain the figure you want. Well, when cooking the vegetables, they will avoid poor digestion and the broth that is obtained facilitates digestion. Also, it is low in calories which is something that makes us gain weight. On the other hand, it helps that we have better hydration and that if you have fluid retention problems, this improves.


Yogurt is a dairy that if consumed moderately does not affect our weight. Also, it is a great source of probiotics, which means that it will help us prevent the formation of gas in our stomach.

Fruits such as papaya and pineapple

These fruits are rich in enzymes that make our digestion much lighter and food disintegrate better. It also prevents our stomach from swelling and maintaining a healthy weight when eating our dinner. These fruits can be added in fruit salads, smoothies or grilled.


Fish is a white meat that can be consumed at dinner, just like chicken or turkey. These ingredients allow us to prepare a healthy dinner. However, to be effective they have to be grilled, baked or steamed without so many sauces. Also, it should be prepared low in salt.


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