What is horsetail infusion for?

What is horsetail infusion for

Horsetail is a flowerless plant, with two types of stems, apart from being one of the most well-known and most demanded medicinal plants. This is because horsetail has anti-inflammatory properties and also provides a large number of vitamins and minerals. In the world of medicine, it has endless benefits.

What is horsetail infusion for

This plant can work for you, to reduce kidney stones, tuberculosis, hepatitis, osteoporosis, nosebleeds and urinary infections. This is a very complete plant and its properties are effective in multiple fields.

How effective is horsetail for hair?

The extract obtained by this plant has a wide variety of benefits for hair. On the other hand, one of the most outstanding is that we can avoid the appearance of gray hair. In addition, to improve hair growth, making it stronger and more nourished.

Applying horsetail extract to the hair, helps improve the overall appearance of the hair, making it healthier and prevents hair loss. On the other hand, this plant has a large amount of organic silicon a mineral that provides elasticity, firmness and resistance to the hair, also nourishes and detoxifies the hair by the use of certain chemicals.

Will you wonder how to apply this product on your hair? Currently, there are a wide variety of brands that use this ingredient in their products, so it is very common to find a wide variety of shampoos that have this ingredient in their composition.

What are the benefits of horsetail on the body?

A moment ago, we talked about some of the benefits that horsetail can bring to the health of our body, although there are many more benefits of this plant. However, scientific studies are currently being carried out to determine more properties contained in this plant.

Without forgetting, that one of the most outstanding characteristics of this plant, is its effectiveness to combat fluid retention, since it has diuretic properties, this plant can increase up to 30% urinary secretion. This is because it has a high content of potassium salts and flavonoids, which greatly favors urinary flow.

In the same way, this plant can also help us in those genitourinary problems, those problems that cause kidney stones, such as inflammation of the bladder, inflammations in the prostate, cystitis and urinary infections.

Strengthens bone health.

This plant is fantastic, it has nutritional virtues that when entering the body help bone and joint health. Horsetail possesses anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve many types of ailments and inflammation.

Similarly, according to studies carried out this plant, it has remineralizing properties that help to drastically increase the levels of collagen in the connective tissue, increasing the elasticity of these tissues. It is advisable to drink 2 to 3 cups of horsetail infusion a day, with a maximum of 3 times a week.

Improves blood flow.

As we already talked about, this plant serves as a diuretic, this helps the proper functioning of the kidneys and urinary tract, this is because it has a substance called equisetin, which helps clean and clear all urinary passages. Also, it helps maintain healthy blood mobility which helps improve circulation.

To keep skin healthy.

This plant has a very particular component, called silica, this compound causes the body to increase the production of collagen and as a result favor the quality and elasticity of the skin. In addition to having certain healing actions, which acts excellent for acne problems and the marks it leaves.

More uses of horsetail infusion

The more we talk about the benefits of this plant, many more appear. It is really recommended to use some of the products that this incredible ingredient contains, since as we have seen, it offers us endless benefits.

For weakened nails.

It should be noted that this goes hand in hand, with what we talked about a moment ago about hair and is that the same component, called “silica”, also helps incredibly to strengthen the nails, because it increases the necessary production of collagen.

It can treat skin diseases.

As we have been commenting, this plant has very effective anti-inflammatory and healing properties, in addition to giving the possibility of increasing the production of collagen, this is not very useful for the skin to look much healthier and younger. In addition to that it works perfectly for those who suffer from acne

Improves nasal obstruction.

Scientifically, it is not proven that the use of this plant helps us reduce nasal obstruction, although due to the properties it has, it can be determined that it may work for this type of problem, although it is not confirmed.

How to prepare horsetail as an infusion for the kidneys

Infusion or tea is the best way to take this plant. It is quite simple to prepare a horsetail tea, you only need 1 cup of boiling water and a spoon of this plant. When the water is already at its boiling point add the dry stem of the plant and let stand for 10 minutes, after time, pass the liquid through a strainer

What is the proper dose to take?

In the same way, like many other plants, it is not recommended to take in excess, because there are contraindications that can affect your health if you abuse consumption. In the case of drinking tea or infusion, 2 servings a day are recommended, preferably after the main meals, but we cannot take it for more than a week, because if we do, we run the risk of becoming dehydrated and eliminating some essential minerals from the body.

What home remedies can I prepare with horsetail?

There are some remedies we can take for some problems of our health:

  • For urinary infections: to prepare this remedy, you need 10 gr of horsetail, 10 gr of guava leaf, 5 gr of blueberry leaves, 5gr brecine and 5 gr of star anise. Then mix all these plants completely, until forming a kind of dough, then add 4 tablespoons per liter of water, boil everything for about 2 minutes and let it rest. You can drink 1 cup daily for 2 weeks.
  • For dermatitis: this remedy is very effective, for cases such as, rashes, ulcers and atopic dermatitis. You need, horsetail, burdock, almond leaves, mix everything very well, then add 4 tablespoons of the mixture for half a liter of water and boil for 3 minutes, after time strain the mixture. With this liquid, soak some compresses and apply them on the affected area.
  • Diuretic and detoxifying mixture: you need, horsetail, cherry peduncles, birch leaves, grass and fennel, mix everything very well and add 3 tablespoons per liter of water. Boil all this for 2 minutes and let it sit for at least 10 minutes. Drink this mixture during the day.

Contraindications of horsetail that you should know

There are some paraments to take into account if you want to consume this type of plant, since as we have seen, it has multiple benefits that give us great help, but in the same way if you suffer from certain pathologies, you cannot consume this plant.

A person suffering from gastritis cannot consume this plant because it has phytonutrients that can cause irritation in the stomach, so if you suffer from a severe stomach problem, I recommend that before consuming horsetail, consult with your doctor.

In pregnancy and lactation.

Horsetail is contraindicated in pregnant women, because as it is diuretic, it can cause problems if you consume it during this period. Similarly, you should refrain from consuming in the lactating period, because it is not yet proven if this plant is safe for consumption by children.

Drinking problems.

However, there is no scientific evidence that ingesting horsetail, when we suffer from drinking problems is dangerous. But if it tells us that people who have problems with the colon, in other words, who have irritable bowel syndromes or suffer from food allergies, refrain from consuming this plant.


In the case of diabetes, there is a possibility that horsetail can interfere with the absorption of sugar, which becomes dangerous in those who suffer from diabetes. It is best that before consuming this plant, consult your doctor.

Low potassium levels.

Finally, horsetail as it has the characteristic, being diuretic, is not recommended that people suffering from hypokalemia, bone low levels of potassium in blood, because this plant increases the elimination of potassium in the urine.


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