If you are dry-skinned and do not know which is the best moisturizer for you? Then it is to see this article where we will be teaching you the best creams and what components it should have for your dry skin.

People who suffer from dry skin know that it is not easy to deal with, because most of the time it is irritated, flakes and over time can suffer premature aging. For this reason, it is very important that if you have dry skin, you perform a beauty routine strictly. The main thing will be to maintain the constant hydration of the skin. Since this way it will remain nourished.
Within the routine it is necessary to integrate products that nourish the p9iel and these can be a serum that contains hyaluronic acid, an anti-aging cream, sunscreen, an ideal exfoliant for the type of skin and above all a super moisturizing cream. These products allow to retain the water that is constantly lost by this type of skin. If you meet these requirements, you will most likely have healthy skin. But apart from the use of the products it is important that you maintain a diet full of good fats, that is, that they have fatty acids this will allow the skin to produce liquids.
Now as for what is the best cream and what main components should contain? That is our view on this. It is considered that the best moisturizer for dry skin would be one that contains abundant fatty acids such as omega 3, 6 and 9. Apart from being rich in vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K, it also contains hyaluronic acid, essential oils such as coconut, almonds and others. These would be some of the essential components that a moisturizer for dry skin should contain.
How to choose a moisturizer for dry and irritated skin of the face
If you want to choose a good moisturizer for dry and flaky skin, it is important that you take into account some requirements. We know that if we take care of our face, it will have a healthy appearance which will make it look young and beautiful. But many times, we make mistakes when choosing the moisturizer that is ideal for this type of skin. Well, there are currently different moisturizers of different brands that offer compromising results and some give the point as others that do not.
Here are some recommendations for choosing the moisturizer that suits your skin type:
Make sure you have dry skin:
Many times, we do not know how to choose the cream that has adapted to our skin type and this is because we are not very sure if our skin is dry or not. And when acquiring a cream is usually chosen wrong and this can cause adverse injuries. But here we will give you some characteristics that if you really have dry skin:
- Lack of elasticity.
- It tends to flake.
- Thin skin.
- Very closed pores.
- He suffers redness and irritation.
Cream especially for dry skin:
Dry skin has very little water production and at the same time retains almost no water for that reason it needs to be hydrated in large quantities. And this is because the sebaceous glands do not produce enough natural fat for the skin to stay healthy and avoid problems in it. That is why when choosing a moisturizer, you should read what components it has and if they are ideal for this type of skin. This cream has to compromise to have moist skin for a long period of hours.
What components should a moisturizer have?
A very good moisturizer or moisturizer for dry skin should contain the following components:
This component makes the skin retain water and thus be able to moisturize the most superficial layers of the skin, on the other hand it provides more softness.
This acts by renewing the natural barrier of this skin and also acts as a protective layer in terms of moisture loss.
Lactic acid
Lactic acid increases the thickness of the skin which is very convenient, since it is usually thin. It also increases collagen production and provides more softness.
Gluoglycerol offers greater hydration to the skin and water can reach the deeper layers of the skin.
Vitamins allow the appearance of fine lines and premature aging in dry skin to be avoided.
Fatty acids (omega)
Fatty acids help restore the skin’s protective barrier. It also provides greater hydration, elasticity, decreases irritation, redness and sensitivity. On the other hand, it protects the skin from damage caused by the sun’s rays and prevents premature aging.
Hyaluronic acid
Hyaluronic acid has been considered one of the most important components to include in a beauty routine. Well, this acid strengthens the protective barrier of the skin, making it stronger and softer.
How to use my facial moisturizer on my skincare
In the case of having dry skin, it is necessary that you perform a very strict skincare routine and that is constant to keep the skin hydrated. Generally, a structure is created where the position of each product that is applied to the face is organized and this is done so that each one works in the best way. And as for how to use the moisturizer in skincare, we will give you in what position it has to be applied and this is as follows:
- Cleanse the face with micellar water or rose water
- Facial tonic.
- Facial serum.
- Moisturizer.
- Eye contour.
- Sunscreen.
This would be the order in which the skincare routine should be done, it is important that before applying the next product wait a few minutes for the one that is placed first to be well absorbed.
What type of body moisturizer to use according to its components?
We know that if we have dry skin this can be irritating, flaky and rough, therefore we need to keep it as hydrated as possible. But how to know which is the best body moisturizer? it is very simple, this should be quite dense that is, thick, looking like petroleum jelly. Although it is very good to use petroleum jelly for dry skin in case you do not have moisturizer but only at night.
The ideal moisturizer should contain an abundance of mineral oils, vitamins, fatty acids, ceramides, hyaluronic acid and other components that help water retention and keep it hydrated. You can also use natural oils if you do not have body cream, as these oils provide great benefits to the skin and keep it hydrated.
Always remember to moisturize the skin at least three times a day, so that it stays healthy.
How to make the most of moisturizers for dry skin
If you want to show off a hydrated and healthy face you have to make the most of the moisturizer you have. But to achieve a positive result, it is important to have good hygiene and use the right cream for dry skin so that it is nourished and thus avoid the different problems that arise.
Always use sunscreen
Skin care is not entirely effective without taking into account that sun protection is very important. Remember that if we are dry skin, it is usually injured more easily and today sunlight without a filter is increasingly harmful.
Apply the moisturizer several times a day
Dry skin must be hydrated very constantly so that liquid can be kept in it. Apply the moisturizer 3 to 5 times a day so that you stay nourished and healthy, but also remember to use it before bed with the skincare routine. This way you will also prevent it from getting irritated, smearing and expression lines coming out.
Avoid perfumes or fragrances in your moisturizer
Many times, we want the creams we buy to have a very pleasant smell for our smell. And currently there are multiple moisturizers of different brands that contain perfumes or fragrances to make it pleasant. However, not everyone recommends that it is best for this skin type.
What happens is that creams containing perfumes or fragrances can cause skin allergies. And when used it can cause irritation, redness, becoming even more sensitized and other reactions. This is not what you want, apart from being dry skin deals with the different problems and adding one more when using a cream that contains this, is not indicated. The best thing when buying a cream is that it does not contain any type of perfume or fragrance and thus avoid inconveniences.
Care when mixing cosmetics and ingredients
Surely you are very good when it comes to shopping and knowing what to choose because it will be a good option to combine it with another you have at home. You can also be good at combining your look with your makeup, but are you good at choosing which products from your skincare routine?
And it is that really when buying any product that is for facial care routine, we are inexperienced, because we do not read the labels they have. It is important that we pay attention to the labels, because it tells us if this product can be mixed with another or not. It is very true that not all the ingredients contained in one product can be mixed with another. Because this causes adverse reactions.
This would be the reactions you would have and even more if you are dry skin, and these are the appearance of spots, irritation, feeling that the skin is burning and unbalancing the skin. Which is not very convenient and for this reason we present some of the mixtures of ingredients with products that you should not do:
Retinol and acne treatments
Vitamin C and alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs)
Retinol and alpha hydroxy acids
Vitamin C and benzoyl peroxide
Better be paraben-free
Parabens are a group of preservatives that are frequently used in cosmetics. These allow the products to be preserved and to avoid fungi, bacteria and others that can damage them.
However, these preservatives can present allergic reactions on the skin and even more so when it comes to dry or sensitive skin. This is why you should avoid using moisturizers that contain parabens and thus allow them to refresh, soothe, give softness and maintain healthy skin. Always remember to buy a paraben-free moisturizer.