First, let’s define a little the concept of thyme; This is a plant with a height that varies between 10 and 30 centimeters, this plant is characterized by being quite dense and has a milky stem. This plant has a very particular type of leaf, since they are linear and very small, apart from the leaves have a fine pilosity.

The flowering season of this silver is at the end of March and lies between the months of April and June. It has a very particular aroma. On the other hand, there are about 40 different species of this plant, of which most are from the western half of the Mediterranean and there are only 28 species in the Iberian Peninsula.
Properties of thyme that will help protect your health.
Since ancient times, this plant has been used in Mediterranean cuisine, for its great aromatic characteristics. But this plant has multiple uses, due to its properties, which are excellent in the area of health. Among many of its properties, we can highlight that thyme contains great antibacterial properties.
Helps control high blood pressure.
Several studies have been conducted to determine that thyme really works to control high blood pressure, so far, these studies yielded positive results, determining, that it can work to control this problem in humans. It should be noted that according to experts, more studies still need to be carried out, in order to fully determine that thyme works.
It is perfect as a food preservative.
A study was conducted, which determined that the striated oil of thyme, through distillation, worked in beef, the use of striated oil controls oxidation and helps preserve meat. Of course, these were studies carried out by experts and there is still no precise dosage of use of thyme to preserve any food.
It is effective against mosquitoes.
Among other of its many functions, it tells us that thyme oil is 90% effective in repelling mosquitoes. You usually apply it on the skin and this will help you that mosquitoes do not possess on you. Another way is to soak cottons with such oil and place them in a container, then put it in different parts of your house. The aroma released by thyme so that mosquitoes leave.
Protective against colon cancer.
Another of its functions in medicine, was made known by a study, carried out in Lisbon Portugal, with which it was determined that this plant works as a protector against colon cancer. The study reveals that mastic thyme extracts can protect us from this type of cancer.
Different ways to prepare thyme at home
Thyme turned out to be a plant that has multiple benefits and the best of those benefits, are in different areas, on the one hand we have seen that it is a great helper in the area of health. But on the other hand, it is also fantastic as a culinary ingredient, being used a lot in Mexican food.
As a medicinal plant.
It turns out that thyme, is very effective for fighting respiratory problems, effectively fights infections of the respiratory system. It works as an expectorant and antiseptic, helps clean the lungs after going through some infectious process. It has antioxidant properties; thus, it fights aging.
Thyme has multiple medicinal benefits and in the case of the skin, it is not far behind. This plant, has a high moisturizing power, helps preserve the hydrolipidic film of the skin, for those who suffer from dry skin.
On the other hand, as we had already talked about a moment ago, thyme has incredible properties, antibacterial and antiseptic, in addition to helping prevent fungi. It is also characterized by having very good properties to regenerate and tone the skin.
As a cooking ingredient.
Because of its incredible aroma, thyme brings a special essence to the dishes that are incorporated into them. It is ideal in the use of meat and fish, using this great ingredient in the preparation of the dressing. This ingredient gives a very Mediterranean flavor to the foods that are added. But it should be noted that thyme should be prepared in slow cooking, to give time to give off its special aroma.
On the other hand, thyme soup is a traditional dish, this should be prepared in a concentrated way, with bouquets that are preferably freshly harvested. Sometimes, bread, grated cheese, or egg yolk may be added. This recipe is considered very energetic.
How to prepare thyme infusion and what are its properties
Mainly, it should be noted that thyme is very good for relieving coughs, colds and respiratory problems. Something very beneficial about this plant is that anyone can take it, no matter if it is a child, youth, adult or elderly. The only ones who cannot ingest it are those who suffer from gastric ulcers, pregnant women, infants and babies.
I recommend that if you want to use thyme, to relieve cough, prepare it quite loaded, without adding any other ingredient. For the preparation, it is just like any tea, boil water and when it reaches the boiling point, add a handful of thyme leaves, stir everything well and let it cook for about 10 more minutes over low heat. After the time let stand covered for 5 minutes, filter and your remedy for respiratory problems is ready.
Those anti-inflammatory properties can be used on the skin. They are usually used as thyme-based creams and these can help reduce ulcers and eczema. On the other hand, to cleanse and detoxify the skin, thyme leaves can be placed in the bath water and also with thyme-based oil therapeutic massages can be performed, this will give you very good results.
Reduces and fights digestive problems.
This plant contains great antipyretic properties. As we talked about a while ago, this plant gives a special touch to meals, but not only with that, but also helps facilitate the digestive process, avoiding the formation of gases and interruptions. However, it also helps those who suffer from poor appetite, it helps them to open their appetite a little more.
Antiseptic and healing properties.
Thyme has antiseptic properties, superior to some other antiseptics, because in its composition it has components such as thymol and carvacrol, which is proven according to studies that these components act against gram-positive and gram-negative germs.
In fact, history tells that in the mid-nineteenth century, this plant was one of the most used in infectious problems, because antibiotics did not yet exist, being effective in combating many problems of this type.
Its effect lies in its great action on the bacterial membrane. It should be noted that this plant also has antifungal action, which we can see is a fairly complete component. Similarly, it also has incredible healing properties, which makes it effective for washing wounds.
Improves the immune system.
For its incredible antiseptic properties and to fight respiratory infections effectively, this plant helps us improve the state of our immune system. By consuming some tea for the cold, we are eliminating a wide variety of bacteria that are the cause of many deficiencies in the immune system.
Anesthetic effect.
There are multiple properties that thyme has, and we have already seen that it is a great ally to fight some type of infection. Although, as such it is not professionally proven, that some of the properties that this plant possesses works as an anesthetic. Even if it could be used, this theory is not true.
Diuretic effect.
By ingesting thyme, it can help us stimulate urination, which helps us eliminate different toxins via the urinary tract. And since this plant has incredible antiseptic properties, it helps us eliminate and prevent future infections of the urinary system.
Does eating thyme have contraindications? – What are the precautions?
Thyme has very few contraindications, and basically, we can be affected by this flat, but by the excessive consumption of it, it could cause discomfort in the digestive system, headache and dizziness. For those people who want to use it externally in the form of oil, all they have to do is make sure they are not allergic to this plant.
As is known, the consumption of different foods should be regulated during a period of pregnancy or lactation, in the same way, it should not be given to babies. We can appreciate that the use of thyme is quite wide and that it does not affect us at all, using it in some of our recipes, it can be consumed, children from 5 years old, young people, adults and older adults.