We all get to a point where we think; I must lose a little weight, try to be more active, but I feel sorry to go to the gym, I would like to exercise at home to be able to lose a little weight. This is something we’ve all been through and let me tell you that doing cardio exercises is one of the best things we can do to be thinner. But not only that, but also to be much healthier and be able to burn fat.

Easy workout to burn fat at home.
There are a series of easy exercises to do and we do not need gym machines to perform them. Exercises that I am completely sure will help you have a healthier life to burn that little fat you want to eliminate and feel much more comfortable with your body.
The abdominal plank is an exercise, which uses your own weight to tighten your muscles. This exercise helps you strengthen your abdomen. All you have to do is stay in one position for a few minutes. To perform this exercise, you must position yourself face down on the floor, leaning on your elbows, forearms and the tips of your feet.
Now, when you are already positioned correctly, completely contract the muscles, but especially the abdominal muscles. You must bear in mind that the buttocks are not too low or too high, try to make your position completely straight.
Remember during exercise to control your breathing, keep your back and belly in a completely straight position. On the other hand, the time you must apply this exercise is 2 repetitions of 30 seconds each and you increase the time as you get condition. Try not to demand too much because it can be harmful.
Bicycle abs.
With the execution of this exercise, you will be able to strengthen and mark your abs, at the same time burn unwanted fat. This exercise is one of the best ways to get fit. The first thing we must do is lie on the floor on our backs, then with our legs extended and our feet slightly raised, place your hands on the sides of your head.
Once positioned, we shrink the right knee while turning the upper left part of the body, touching the right knee with the left elbow. Then we perform the same movement with the left knee, touching the knee with the right elbow, do alternating repetitions of this movement. To give you an example of movement, it’s like you’re riding a bike lying down.
With the performance of this exercise, you can not only strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, but also the neck, quadriceps and buttocks. This is a new and improved way to strengthen your abs, without the need to mistreat and strain your spine.
Russian torsion.
This is an exercise that requires a little more effort, but it is ideal to mark your abs even more. But not only will you be toning the abdomen, but we also tone the deltoids, biceps and triceps. For the realization of this exercise, all you need is a light dumbbell or a small bath.
The first thing you should do is sit on an exercise mat or a soft surface, then bend your knees and rest only your foot heels on the floor. Make a backward inclination of about 45 degrees with the ground, try to keep your back as straight as possible.
Now the dumbbell or ball comes into action, holding the object with both hands, keeping the weight aside. Then turn your arms to the other side, keeping them as far away from the body, try to reach your hands to the ground as much as possible. A repetition is constituted with a twist to the left and another to the right.
Push-ups or push-ups.
When they talk about push-ups, the first thing that goes through our mind is that this exercise is for men, but let me tell you that it is not like that. Of course, the push-ups performed by the ladies, are not the same as those performed by men. Because men seek to increase the muscle mass of their arms with this exercise and women only seek to tone the muscles.
To perform this exercise, you must position yourself face down on the floor, keeping the weight with your hands and knees, extend your arms completely and keep your back in a straight position. When you are already positioned, bend your arms bringing your body to the ground and then extend your arms completely. Perform this movement, a few times depending on your resistance and increase the repetitions as you get resistance.
Reverse abdominal shrinkage.
This exercise will help you burn the fat you have in your belly, strengthening your abdominal muscles with inverted shrinkage movements. This exercise has the characteristic of toning the lower abdomen in a short time, decreasing flaccidity and increasing its strength.
To perform this exercise, the first thing you should do is lie on your back on the floor, facing the ceiling. Then you should fully extend your legs and bend your knees forming a 90-degree angle. Next, exhale through the mouth, raise the hip a little by pressing the abdomen and bring the knees to the chest, then return the hip to the starting position and retain control. Try not to make movements to the neck, during this exercise.
The climber is a very complete exercise, to burn fat and calories, because when performing this exercise, we strive different parts of our body. To do this, I could recommend that you look for a yoga mat or some soft surface.
First stand on the floor face down, holding your hands and toes “like doing push-ups for men.” After you are in this position, try to keep your abdomen contracted and bring your right leg to your chest, return it to its starting position, and now bring your left leg. When you have alternately raised both legs, it will mean a series. Since we are just starting out, I would recommend that you do 3 sets of 30 seconds, resting 30 seconds for each set.
Other cardio exercises to burn fat.
Now, so far, we have seen a series of exercises that will help you tone the abdomen, stiffen your arms and forearms. They are exercises that take a little effort, but I guarantee that if you try to use a routine, you will get great results.
Push-ups with squats.
They are two very essential and well-known exercises, these divide the areas of the body that work, but complement each other very well. The application of these two exercises allows us to obtain strength and endurance in the upper and lower part of our body. The squats, is simply bending, there are several ways to do squats, without weight, with weight, squat with jump, among others.
The most basic, are the squats in the air or without weight, these help us to tone, the legs and buttocks and burn fat. For realization, all we have to do is stand firmly with our legs apart, with an approximate separation of the width of the hip.
The tips of the feet should be a little outward, we extend our arms completely to the front, to achieve greater effort. Already with this position, we flex and lower the torso, as if we were going to sit down, without losing the position, when we are already down, we extend our legs again without losing the initial position.
The skater.
It is a cardiovascular exercise, which helps us strengthen the buttocks, hips and improve coordination, strength and endurance. This is a very complete exercise, since it helps us to set our whole body in motion and no equipment is necessary.
To do this, what we must do is put the right hand on the floor and stretch the same leg to the side, positioning it in a straight way. We must keep the other leg bent, to be able to reach the ground with the hand. Being positioned, what we must do is alternate the position from right to left, taking a small jump, this jump will allow us to change legs quickly.
The essence of this exercise is to achieve adequate coordination, which is obtained through practice. When we are doing the jump, we can slightly raise the torso, but it is not necessary to stand up completely. We must try to keep the back straight when putting our hand on the ground.
For the realization of this exercise, I recommend that you use a mat or a yoga mat, because you must quickly lie on your back. This exercise will help you improve coordination, improve breathing, increase endurance.
For realization, we must stand in front of our mat or mat. Then sit on it and roll back, raising your hips and feet up, when you are in that position, put your feet back on the ground and stand up. That is a repetition, try to do it quickly. To start you can do 2 to 3 sets of 10 repetitions.
Jump rope.
Jumping rope, or jumping rope, is a very basic exercise and I’m pretty sure we ever did it in our childhood. This is a very good exercise to improve endurance. It is considered a fundamental pillar in different disciplines.
This exercise is based on jumping, while passing the rope under our feet. This generates a higher caloric expenditure, which means more fat burning. This exercise guarantees you to get a great aerobic work in a few minutes, plus you do not need space or expensive instruments.
Mini squat with jump.
These, also known as explosive squats, this exercise is based on working the legs and buttocks. Something fundamental is to get and maintain a proper position, keeping the back straight and the feet well settled to the ground.
Mainly, we must position our feet outside the hips, taking a well-cemented position. Then move the hips back, flexing them 90 degrees, keeping the knees slightly bent, keeping the thighs and buttocks tense. Later we jump with all the energy and when we fall, we reposition ourselves with the hip posture backwards and knees slightly bent, being in the initial position, we return to execute the exercise.
For the execution, we will do 3 sets of 5 repetitions each, taking a one-minute break between each set. Increase this number of repetitions as you increase your endurance. It should be noted, the previous warm-up before executing the exercise.
Inverted stride with squat.
It helps us mainly to strengthen the muscles and burn that fat that we do not like. This is a fairly simple exercise, but personally it has worked incredibly well for me. It is enough to make a small daily section of about 3 sets of 10 repetitions each, with a break of 1 minute between each series. Believe me, it will be more than enough to begin with.
The main thing is to position ourselves standing, opening our feet at hip height, we bring our right leg in a straight line backwards, flexing the knee that almost touches the ground. We must bear in mind that the knee that is in front must be at an angle of 90 degrees or higher, then we raise the knee that is rubbing the floor and change the leg.
Jump with knee lift.
A fairly common exercise, but with a large range of muscles to work with. This exercise helps you move your shoulders, buttocks, quadriceps and hip flexors. Apart from being ideal to burn that fat that we have more, because its exercise is very explosive.
For the realization, we must stand up, positioning them at the width of the shoulders, already positioned, flex the hip and the right knee, raising the knee towards the chest, while you position the left elbow forward and the right elbow back, the elbows must be flexed about 90 degrees.
With an explosive jump, change the position of your legs, now flexing your left and positioning it towards your chest, while also changing the position of your arms. This should be a quickly coordinated movement, when you have already brought both knees to the chest, it will be classified as a repetition.
Advantages and disadvantages of morning training
There are multiple advantages to training in the morning. A study showed that training in the early hours of the morning, makes food look less attractive to the person who is executing the exercise, it is also said that training in the early hours helps us burn more fat and calories.
- You protect yourself from diabetes; According to a study, training before consuming the first meal of the day makes practitioners have better glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity, in addition to helping them not gain weight.
- Improves sleep; That’s right, doing physical exercise early in the day will help you have a deeper, longer and better-quality sleep. This is very useful for those who suffer from a sleep disorder.
- You burn more fat; This theory is a bit contradictory, because training with a full stomach, helps you have more energy and strength, but performing physical activity early in the day and on an empty stomach, will help you burn 20% more fat.
- You will be more active during the day; I confirm this from my own experience. According to a study, exercising early in the day will inspire you to stay active for the rest of the day.
Now, we also have a few disadvantages or rather things to keep in mind when you train early in the day.
- One of the main disadvantages is that, we need to be determined and have great willpower, to wake up and get up a little earlier.
- After performing physical exercise, you should consume a balanced food, in order to replenish the nutrients, you consumed when the physical activity was executed.
- Since after a long time of overnight fasting, we wake up with our stomach without any food. Our level of nutrients is low, this results in weakening the defenses and we will feel low energy.
- In the morning, the temperature is lower, which makes us vulnerable to having some lesson or muscle stiffness.
Advantages and disadvantages of night training
In the same way there are a variety of advantages to exercise in the afternoon or night, we can feel more comfortable and have much more energy.
- Because the temperature is at a fairly high level and so are the hormone levels, this time is phenomenal for some exercise or sport.
- Since the temperature is higher, the muscles are warmer and more flexible, this helps us prevent injuries and demand a little more.
- It is ideal for those who want to increase muscle mass, because our body will have enough energy.
- Performing physical activity in the afternoon increases the speed of metabolism.
Similarly, there are some disadvantages or circumstances to take into account when you perform physical activity at night.
- Probably, we have some family meeting or commitment, this can interfere with your constancy in routines.
- Performing exercises very late in the day can alter the rhythm of sleep and even cause insomnia, of course it all depends on the exercise you do.