Currently there are several makeup trends and that are allies when it comes to makeup because it makes us look even more beautiful and sensual.

When making up any type of face, it is essential to detail the features that it has to know which technique and colors will be the best for makeup.
Black-eyed girls have a deeper and bolder look unlike other eye colors. One of the advantages of black eyes is that there is no limit to combine diversity of shadow colors, the only thing that matters is what type of technique to use to make a professional eye makeup.
Most makeup artists are inclined when making up black eyes for colors such as earth, ochres, blues, champagne and metallic colors such as bronzes, gold and silver to provide lighting.
How to Make Simple and Natural Eye Makeup
Making an eye makeup is simple even for those girls who do not have so much experience in combining shadows, using brushes and different techniques.
Well, if there is no experience, it is advisable to make up the eyes is the use of earth-colored shadows that goes with all types of eyes and can also perform very natural makeup.
Indeed, black eyes are beautiful and can be very easily, since any color fits and with just a little shadow can be highlighted, then a few small steps to make a simple and natural makeup:
- The first thing is to use a pre-base of eyes that will be placed on the upper eyelid, this will help the shadow adhere better and have a longer duration.
- Highlighting a look is paramount, so it also goes hand in hand with very natural eyebrows, this is achieved by filling the spaces where there are few hairs with a shadow of eyebrows, ointment or pencil.
- Once the eyebrows are made and the eye base is placed, it begins with the application of the shadows, for a simple and natural look, it is good to use earth tones shadows (not so dark brown), soft roses, champagne.
- Take an eye brush and proceed to take from the shadow chosen for the look.
- Already taken product in the brush, you should start applying on the upper eyelid in a circular shape until you get to blur the color, if you want to give a touch of glamour to the natural look you can add a satin shadow of a soft color only at the beginning of the tear.
- With the same leftover you used for the upper eyelid, apply to the bottom to connect with the leftover upper eyelid.
- Add mascara to enhance the look and eye pencil (black or brown, this is optional).
Note: the eye technique will depend on the knowledge you have.
What are the right makeup brushes to apply eye shadows?
In aesthetics and beauty there is a great variety of makeup brushes with different textures, densities and functions that are often not defined as such as their function really is because they are versatile.
There are different brushes for the application of eye shadows, but each with a specific function that must be known.
When making eye makeup it is important to use the correct brushes for each product application.
Here are the different brushes for the application of shadows:
- Cat’s tongue: this brush is very versatile because it allows you to apply shade on the mobile eyelid and is also used to make basin cuts.
- Balita type: the bullet type brush is used for the application of shadows in a more concentrated way so it is a bit hard, but there is also another type of balita brush that is softer to perform blurring.
- Brush for blurring: this brush is somewhat rounded and quite soft, and is used to make blurs in the mobile eyelid in the external V area and allows leftovers to be better integrated.
- Brush to mix: it is long and soft hair, used to make transitions, blurred and smoked.
- Pencil type: it is used for the application of shadows in the lower part of the eye for the precision of has.
- Eyeliner: There are two types of brushes for the application of gel eyeliner. One of them is angular in shape and the other is thinner like those brought by liquid eyeliners.
- Angular brush for shadows: this brush is also very versatile because despite its angular shape it allows to contour in a better way and with more definition the eye makeup.
Steps to make eye makeup in different ways
Eye shadows have the great power to change the look and deepen it in a more tender, lively, natural and sexy way, to make us feel beautiful for any time.
Likewise, many times mistakes are made to make an eye makeup when it is not done correctly, one of the most common mistakes is that eye shadows are not replicated well and tend to crack or run over the course of the hours.
Another of the most made mistakes is not to blur the shadows well, so it is important to use the best tools and techniques to obtain a good result.
To make an eye makeup you only need brushes and only three colors of the same range of the color wheel to create a professional result.
Prepare the eyelid with a primer or pre-base
This is the first step that should be done before applying shadows because it will help the shadows have more duration.
Using primer or a pre-base is very necessary to prepare the eyelid so that the shadows do not run or crack.
It is a product that is in liquid or cream form that apart from making the shadows last longer, allow them to pigment better in the eyelid.
Apply the main leftovers on the upper eyelid
After the application of the first or the pre-base is the time to choose a color of shadows of your preference, you can even choose three colors of the same chromatic range to make an eye makeup.
Once the main shadow is chosen, which is going to stand out, a brush is taken to apply shadows preferably that is chubby and soft, product begins to be deposited in the mobile eyelid and with small movements the shadow is spread to reduce excess shadow.
Start with transition shadows
Transition shadows is a shade tone to combine the other shades of eyeshadow. This transition shadow is a little darker and is applied to the outer corner of the eye socket where the bone ends, then gently blur so that it integrates better, with the help of a brush to blur.
Shadow blurring
This step is important to perform to unify the different colors of shadows and prevent patches from being created, many makeup artists use this technique so that the shadows are blurred and its process is easy.
It is to make circular movements in the area where the shadow was applied to blur and make disappear any line that separates one shadow from the other.
For them, it is essential to use special brushes to make blurs such as: a chubby and soft brush so that it is manageable when making blurs.
Shadow lighting
Last but not least, it is to choose a light and luminous shade to make lighting in the lacrimal and in the arch of the eyebrow.
This allows us to define even more the look and the shadows getting a voluminous effect and that our eye looks bigger.
Types of eye shadows you can do at home
You can make different types of shades at home with some ingredients, such as pigment, cornstarch, talc, vegetable coloring, almond oil, petroleum jelly and others, which will allow you to make powdered and cream shadows.
Here are some types of homemade eyeshadows:
- Eye shadows with talcum powder and vegetable coloring is a way to make an eye shadow in a very simple way with the use of talc, vegetable coloring that is sold in supermarkets or in pastry and water stores.
All you have to do is mix the talcum powder, the vegetable coloring of the color you want the shade along with the water. After mixing it is passed through a coffee filter to remove excess water and placed on an adsorbent paper to dry, once it is dry you can use the shade.
- Cream eyeshadows bring a shine to the eyelids and have greater pigmentation. The recipe is simple you just have to mix in a small container mix eye shadows or vegetable coloring with petroleum jelly and face cream, mix until you create a homogeneous mixture.
With green shadows
To make green shade you can make some of the recipes mentioned above. Now to make up black eyes with green shadow is very simple, since this color is favorable for this eye color, you can make some combinations with other colors of the chromatic circle and still stand out.
Silver shadow eyes
Eyes with silver shadow are widely used for night makeup or for that occasion that requires being glamorous.
This shadow allows the black eyes to be more prominent and some of these shadows can be luminous or metallic to give a striking effect.
With black and blue shade
The realization of these shadows is simple with the aforementioned recipes you can achieve them.
Likewise, the combination of these colors is very impressive because they give a depth to the black eyes, you can create different techniques with these colors such as a cut crease, halo eyes, smoked and blurred diagonally.
Make up eyes with bright shadows
This way of making up the black eyes with bright or metallic shadows is an option for an occasion where you want to highlight and be the center of attention, because these shadows will allow your look to be a shocking.
For this type of eye color, it is highly recommended to use shades of gold, silver, copper and others that provide brightness.
Tips for applying shadows to small eyes
- Many girls worry about having small eyes and that an eye makeup may not go with their eye type, but there is no limit for these eyes cannot be made up just have to keep in mind some techniques to make it stand out.
- The main thing is to unify the look, if you have dark circles this also makes the eyes smaller.
- Preparing the papacy is important and is achieved through the application of a beige pre-base.
- Providing lighting in small eyes is very vital, as a larger eye effect will be created, this lighting should be done on the tear duct and eyebrow bone.
- The use of light shadows throughout the eyelid and a darker shadow in the external area of the eye will make it expand.
- Dark colored shade should not be used because they will make the eye look smaller, it is best to use earth or pastel tone.
Steps to apply incredible blurs to the eyes
Before knowing what are the steps to make a blur it is important to know the concept of this, because the blurring is based on creating a color gradient between dark to lighter tones and that they are integrated.
Saturation will also play a very important role since it will allow the decomposition of colors and not create divisions between the tones used.
However, there are a number of steps to make a blur and make it look good:
- Prepare the eyelid with a primer or pre-base and seal with a translucent powder.
- Choose at least three shades of shadows ranging from the lightest to the darkest.
- The brushes will play a fundamental role, because these will help to make a good blur, among the brushes most used to make a blur is the one that is chubbier and one that is more elongated and softer.
- The transition tone that would become the intermediate tone of light and dark is taken and applied in the eye socket with a movement like that of a windshield of a car from the outer V of the eye to the middle of the papacy.
- Once the transition tone is applied, the next thing is to take the darkest tone to apply in the middle of the mobile papacy and the eye socket to create a depth, it must be done with circular movements to integrate the transition shadow and the depth shadow.
- Finally, the lightest shadow is applied to the movable eyelid to give illumination and create a color gradient.
Recommendations for eye makeup for the day
One of the recommendations to makeup the eyes for the day, is to use beige and earth tones, these colors will help to have a more natural look for day to day.
If you are a person who does not use so much makeup theses soft tones will help to give a more prominent look without saturating so much.
Essential tips for eye makeup
The main thing will always be to have a previous preparation of the eyelid with a prebake. On the other hand, keep in mind what type of eye is the person in order to use the technique that most favors him.
In addition, it is important to favor eye makeup with skin tone, as some colors do not go with any skin tone.
For brunettes and blondes
To make up the eyes it is significant to take into account what skin color is going to be made up. In brunettes not any color fits well, since it is a darker skin with which you have to be very careful.
The most essential shadows to make up this type of skin are those of earth tones and the range of warm colors such as terracottas, oranges and others.
On the other hand, in blondes, it is very easy to use any shade color, because the skin tone is lighter, you can use shadows of cold, warm, neutral tones and metallic shadows.
Mistakes to avoid when applying eyeshadows
- Not using a pre-base.
- Use the wrong brushes.
- Use shades of incorrect tones according to skin tone and eyes.
- Do not make a good blur between the colors used.
- Use a large amount of concealer or pre-base.