Botox on the Face, Forehead and Hair: Side Effects, Benefits and Disadvantages

Botox on the Face, Forehead and Hair Side Effects, Benefits and Disadvantages

More and more women and young people are undergoing Botox treatments to look younger and more stretched in order to look younger or get the facial features they desire.

Botox on the Face, Forehead and Hair Side Effects, Benefits and Disadvantages

The appearance of the dreaded wrinkles means that botulinum toxin has become the most commercial drug under the name of Botox, being able to completely eliminate those Experian lines that many do not like.

Botulinum toxin has the ability to relax the muscle for aesthetic or medicinal purposes, no matter the age to administer it, it must only be given the correct use in the hands of a specialist, because a poorly placed injection can completely change the facial features and may give you an appearance as if your face was frozen.

What does the Botox treatment consist of, on the forehead, lips and face?

Now, if we talk about Botox in its aesthetic use, it is a toxin that affects the nerves, preventing nerve signals from being transmitted to the muscles, producing a kind of temporary paralysis of 4-6 months.

Its aesthetic use can be in a capillary way, on the forehead, lips and face, in any of these cases it fulfills the function of rejuvenating the injected area to show off a younger and healthier skin.

Hair Botox

Hair Botox does not contain botulinum toxin, it is a topical compound of vitamins, amino acids, proteins, hyaluronic acid and collagen that is applied to the hair fiber in order to moisturize, repair, and remove frizz.

It revitalizes fragile hair after bleaching, chemicals, heat that need deep nourishment to maintain a better texture.

Who applies it and where?

Hair Botox is applied by aesthetic specialists who can offer the best product for you, it comes in the form of a mask that is placed on damp hair one centimeter from the root throughout the hair for about 20 minutes, and then removed and ironed the hair to seal the product.

What benefits does it offer?

Hair Botox offers a natural formaldehyde-free treatment capable of recovering the shine, softness, movement, strength, management and shape of your hair after having undergone any chemical process that could leave it dry and fragile.

Botox coats fibers that are damaged to eliminate frizz in a completely natural way.

Are there any side effects or consequences?

You should know first of all that Botox will not change the structure or shape of your hair, it only moisturizes it reducing frizz, however, there are consequences of its application no matter how wonderful the treatment sounds.

There is a possibility that if you have dyed hair, the tone of the dye may be affected, it is not a radical change from one color to another, but the shades are varied a little.

In addition, it can reduce movement in your hair due to the loss of naturalness by placing your hair heavier and without volume, but this is due to poor application or a low quality product.

How long does the effect last?

Hair Botox, if applied by a good specialist, retains a good post-care and is a good quality product, its duration should be between 4-5 months.

Application of Botox to the forehead, face and lips

Botox on the forehead is applied by injecting botulinum toxin to disappear annoying wrinkles or fine lines.

On the other hand, if you want to have one of the largest and fuller lips, Botox is certainly not the best alternative to fill them, because on the contrary what Botox will do is numb the area which is undoubtedly a very unprofessional result.

Botox on the face is usually used to change the physical features and eliminate those dreaded crow’s feet in the eye area or the wrinkles that are generated in the lip area.

Where is the treatment done and by whom?

The treatment is carried out by injecting the toxin directly into the affected area, but this must be done in a specialized aesthetic center and endorsed by health control so that you do not run any risk of obtaining bad results.

Since we are talking about the face, it is the most delicate and visible, so it cannot be placed in the hands of just anyone.

What are the benefits and how long does it last?

It depends on the region in which you place the Botox will last, but it always ranges from 4-6 months depending on its post-care and quality.

One of the benefits obtained by applying Botox to the forehead or face is the minimization of wrinkles or expression lines that are annoying and noticeable as age progresses.

What are the disadvantages and possible side effects?

Although the application of Botox on the face has many aesthetic, psychological and health benefits, it is important to clarify that it also has certain disadvantages or possible side effects that may occur.

Its main disadvantage is that its effect is not immediate, for you to have the faction you want you have to wait about 15 days after the application.

As well as, its results are permanent but the modification of the face creates addiction in many people who want to modify some part of the face and can end up causing the eyebrows to fall due to a bad technique.

Recommendations and care before and after treatment

The main recommendation before performing Botox on your face is not to drink alcohol in the days prior to the treatment and if you do, you should not hide anything from the doctor.

After applying Botox, try not to practice sports for at least 48 hours, do not touch the area and avoid facial movements.


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