How to eliminate or relieve back and neck pain due to stress? – Home remedies

How to eliminate or relieve back and neck pain due to stress - Home remedies

It is very common to hear relatives, friends or acquaintances asking about how to eliminate or relieve back and neck pain. Because this is a widespread and chronic pathology among people, on one occasion, an online survey was conducted to ask people if they had any idea why they suffered from such discomforts and, the surprise was that, most of them were aware that it was an effect of stress in their lives.

How to eliminate or relieve back and neck pain due to stress - Home remedies

How is upper back and neck pain caused by stress generated?

One of the manifestations of the human body when experiencing chronic stress is pain in the neck and upper back. And, when a person is subjected to situations of constant stress, the body responds with the persistent contraction of the muscles; This being a natural response, to the anxiety of not being able to fully comply with personal, work and social responsibilities.

When we stress, we automatically and simultaneously, the muscles of the face, jaw, neck, shoulders and back are tensed. The musculature reacts as if preparing the body to act and protect us. But this reaction becomes harmful in the face of persistent and constant stress that does not allow relaxation of the muscles.

Best Home Remedies to Remove Upper Back and Neck Pain from Stress

Stress increases the body’s risk of muscle contracture and pain. To help you heal in case of suffering from these pathologies, we present a selection of the best home remedies to remove upper back and neck pain due to stress.

Muscle strengthening exercises

Continuous stressful situations often lead to muscle pain and tension; In order to relieve these ailments, we recommend practicing a series of exercises that will strengthen the muscles of your neck, shoulders and back. And if you prefer sports, be sure to read this post: know the best sport to strengthen your back

1.- It is convenient to start with a breathing exercise of relaxation: perform a slow nasal inspiration, retaining the air for a few seconds and then expiring it through the mouth.

2.- Then, and gently, neck movements will be executed to one side and the other, up and down, and finally in rotation. The exercise of raising and lowering the jaw also strengthens the neck muscles.

3.- As a preamble before exercising the muscles of the back, we will perform some exercises with the shoulders: proceed to raise and lower the shoulders; Then make circles in both directions.

4.- We reach the back, and now, adopt the position of four legs with hands at shoulder level and knees aligned with the hip. Inhale through the nose slowly, raised the neck and looking up, parallel try to stretch the spine lowering the abdomen. Then exhale the air, raising or arching the spine until bringing the chin to the chest.

In physiotherapy this exercise is known as “cat posture” and is excellent for eliminating muscle tension in the back and neck. You can repeat the exercises in series 7 times. If you feel pain, see a specialist.


The stretch practiced on a regular basis can help relieve stiffness in the neck and pain in the upper back, for this, we indicate three easy and comfortable stretching exercises to practice at home.

  1. Neck flexion: The stretch consists of a gentle rotation of head shoulder to shoulder, which you can repeat several times. To start, you should sit or stand up straight and slowly drop your chin towards your chest. Then you turn your head toward your right shoulder, holding that position for a few seconds. You immediately turn your head to your left shoulder and stay at that point, anyway, for a few seconds.
  2. Overhead arm reach: Standing, stretch your arms above your head with your hands intertwined. Lean to the right with your arms stretched up and return to the starting position. From the starting position, repeat the stretch to the left side. You can repeat this stretching exercise on both sides and several times.
  3. Knee to chest: you lie on your back on a mat. Bend your legs and shrink your knees closer to your chest. You breathe deeply, relax and return your feet to the ground, keeping your legs bent.

Apply heat and cold

The application of cold and heat are effective options to relieve pain in neck and upper back. Applying an ice pack on the back when there is sudden, severe pain has an analgesic effect, because it slows down the electrical current of the nerves. It is recommended to apply cold alternating periods that do not exceed 20 minutes.

The application for 15 or 20 minutes of a hot water bottle or a cloth bag with raw rice heated in the microwave, has distention effects on stiff and sore neck and back muscles.

Arnica gel

Arnica is a plant with analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties; Therefore, arnica gel is a natural remedy and there is no problem in using it directly on the skin. It is applied by massaging neck, shoulders and back to get relief from pain due to muscle stiffness or inflammation.

What is the best way to reduce stress to avoid upper back and neck pain?

Although it is not possible to eliminate all the stress of everyday life, and less in these times of worry and anxiety about the pandemic; Yes, it is possible to take some measures to help us control it. The first thing is to accept that we are facing a stressful situation, and that we can handle some tools firsthand to reduce its effects.

  • Practice relaxation techniques or guided mindfulness meditation.
  • Set aside time to share pleasant moments with the family.
  • Dedicate yourself to reading a good book, which pleasantly stimulates your imagination.
  • Plan an exercise routine that keeps your body active.
  • Prepare a balanced diet with healthy breakfasts that provide encouragement and vitality.
  • Enjoy outdoor walks and contemplate nature.
  • Organize your time into priorities and don’t engage in stressful situations.
  • Change what you can change and accept what you can’t.
  • Avoid negative and obsessive thoughts about tomorrow.
  • Surround yourself with positive people who offer you emotional support.
  • Get enough sleep and rest until you feel comforted.
  • If you are a believer in a religion, practice it in your home for comfort and spiritual strength.

When is it necessary to consult the specialist?

Upper back and neck pain due to stress should disappear with exercise, rest and recommended home remedies. However, it is necessary to consult the specialist if the pain does not disappear, or if it is more intense. A doctor and a physical therapist can determine if you have a serious injury and will tell you how to treat it.


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