How to file and shape your nails according to the shape of your hands – Step by step

How to file and shape your nails according to the shape of your hands - Step by step

Care, fix and shape the nails is a detail that every woman usually shines daily, in fact, complements very well to come more comfortable and elegant to the public, carry out a cleaning whenever needed is essential to maintain that smooth and shiny appearance in them and with these tips that will be presented below you will achieve easier ways to take care of them.

How to file and shape your nails according to the shape of your hands - Step by step

The nails suffer from several types of consequences if you do not take proper care, in the same way, there are several types or classes to be able to file them according to your preference such as oval, round, almond-shaped, stiletto and square; These are very easy basic forms to perform as long as you do the proper steps to achieve the shape correctly.

You can change the way you can file them every month, depending on the growth you have and how you maintain them, try new things every season to innovate the appearance in your nails, but, the most important thing is with which way you feel consistent with them.

How to shape nails when you file them – Complete tutorial

To show off beautiful nails, you must perform the correct steps to file it properly without damaging it others, and obtain the shape you like by stylizing them in your own way, however, proceed to choose what kind of shape would suit your nails:

Oval shape 

If the fingers on your hands with a little plump or wide and short the way in which you should file them would be oval, since, it will give an effect in which the fingers look longer and to achieve this oval shape it is necessary that the nail is long enough to give it that shape at the tips.

Square nails

 This shape suits you very well for hands that are somewhat elongated and with thin fingers, thus, you will enhance your nails making you look with a more elegant effect on your hands. Although, actually to have nails of this way simply file straight and file a little corner so that they do not break or adhere with anything.


 If you have big and short toes, carry out this shape to increase the volume of roundness in the fingers, perfect to apply a polish with light tones or leave them natural.

Now, to file them in this way simply file the edges adapting it in a round way, it is the basic and very practical to cope since it does not easily hook with anything and is less likely to break.

What is the right way to file your nails Find out here!

To have a clean and favorable finish on your nails clean them the way you usually do it if it is to your liking and of course avoid doing it when they are wet so that they are not prone to breaking, and do not file from back to front and vice versa, since, you do not want them to scal easily and for less complications when filing them follow these steps:

  • Clean your hands well mainly, dry them very well so that there is no dirt and damage the appearance of your nails.
  • Choose and take into account the way you want for your nails and opt for the one that suits your hands best.
  • Already with the right shape, be it oval, square, or almond-shaped to be able to make them.
  • Having a suitable file with which it is comfortable to file it, avoid metal ones at all costs.
  • Start filing in the same direction as indicated by the chosen shape, and remove any remaining remainder.

Methods to file pointed nails 100% effective

To perform this shape in your nails you should only proceed to have them clean and dry, since, being wet they are more likely to break due to their weakness that they may have when having contact with water. However, with a suitable file start by sliding it along the edges with smooth and diagonal movements.

How to file nails Squoval

This is a combination between oval and square, since, it has an appearance of a flat or square edge and the corners a little rounded, you must make sure that the nails are strong enough to withstand the filing to shape this type, first start by washing your nails well and wait about 3 or 5 minutes to start with these steps:

  1. First make sure you cut them either with a sharp maricure scissors, and be careful not to cut the skin by making the angular boards.
  2. With a straight file of grain 240, hold it with the big toe and index finger slowly filing the tips or edges of the nail at an angle where you can only pass it 3 or 4 times in that same direction, and avoid filing them back and forth so that they cannot break so easily
  3. In case they get a little crooked, file only on the necessary edges and observe them from above to see their angles correctly.

File square nails

 To achieve this shape, you need no more than a single file and have clean hands to perform this shape on your nails, in fact, it is one of the most basic and simple to do, elegant and perfect for thin and slightly elongated fingers, to start keep in mind these steps:

  1. If you have long nails, you can cut them just a little with a nail clipper.
  2. File in one direction straight and without making much force so as not to open layers on the tips of the nail.

 How to file pointed nails

 To achieve this shape in your nails and do it correctly you must have a quality file and mainly to avoid damage to skin and nail when performing this shape, to do, follow these steps:

  1. Make gentle movements with the file on the edges and then slide it to the tip of the nail.
  2. Observe the angles well until it is pointed in what you are sliding the file.
  3. Finally, apply a nail hardener or a good polish so that they do not break or adhere easily with anything.


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