How to have curly hair and what are its care – Tips and tricks

How to have curly hair and what are its care - Tips and tricks

I don’t know what you think, but I’ve seen that in recent years curly hair has become very trendy. It is a style that not everyone can have and that makes it very tentative for those people who can wear this hairstyle style.

How to have curly hair and what are its care - Tips and tricks

But the reality is, that there are certain aspects, for those people who want to have curly hair. There are a variety of tricks to achieve curly hair and not only that which lasts a little longer.

Get to make the most natural and lasting curls in your hair

There are many ways to achieve curls, but unfortunately not all strategies are favorable for the health of your hair. We bring you a few natural strategies that you can apply to get that style of hairstyle you want so much.

The first technique that we bring you is the use of pineapple peel, pineapple is a product that has a wide variety of vitamins, such as vitamins A and C. It is also rich in potassium and enzymes that will help you get thick and abundant hair. Apart from that it gives you shine and helps you get wavy hair.

The first thing you should do is boil a liter of water, when it is already boiling add pieces of the peel of a pineapple and let it cook for 5 minutes. Over time let the liquid rest, then use a strainer to obtain only the liquid. For application, you need to moisten the hair and apply the liquid all over the hair, from the root to the ends. Use an atomizer to do it in a more efficient way, perform this technique about 4 times a week. You should keep in mind that if you go out in the sun with the liquid in your hair, there is a possibility that your hair will lighten a little.

Another technique that you can use and will help you define one natural curl that will be the center of attention, is the flaxseed mask. The only ingredient you need is 3 tablespoons of flaxseed, boil a cup of water with 3 tablespoons of flaxseed for 25 minutes, a thick liquid will form, passing the time strain the seeds.

You will have a gel that you must apply it all over the hair and let it act for half an hour, keep in mind that the gel is well applied all over the hair. After the time, remove the gel using warm water. Then use styling cream, comb from end to tip, and style the curls with upward movements.

How to get curly hair in men

One of the best-known ways of curling hair in men is using fixing gel. It is the best-known way, all you have to do is pass a small amount of fixing gel, on your hair, this will be more than enough to be able to curl it in the way you want. Keep in mind that you must have clean hair.

Steps to curl a man’s hair

Now there are several steps that you can apply to curl your hair and we are going to list them.

  1. The first thing you should do is wash your hair well, using good quality shampoo and conditioner, with products that help you maintain the curls of your hair.
  2. Then add a normal fixing gel, try to distribute the product in the hair in the way. Apply the product with wet hair, then dry the gel with the hair dryer and diffuser, finally when the hair is dry, comb the curls with your fingers.
  3. Now, these first steps will help you perfectly with your curly hair, you can enjoy your hair like this for many hours. But if you do not want to ruin your work, I recommend that you use a dry shampoo, to refresh the curls between washes. With this product you can remove grease from the hair, but you will not damage the curls.

How to have curly hair from the root

To achieve a favorable result, we must carry out the process step by step. To form waves in our hair from the root, the first thing we must do is moisten the hair, try not to be so wet, or so dry, try to get a middle ground.

Later we must apply gel from the root, but taking care not to fill the scalp with gel, otherwise it could cause dandruff or irritation. When applying the gel, we must sectorize the hair by strands, to ensure that all the hair is well covered. If we are not careful, some parts may run out of product and this will produce frizz.

When we have a strand well covered with gel and that is well distributed, with the hand we must make a movement to the strand upwards, giving a shape to the strand, as if it were a spiral.

Finally, when all the hair is covered with gel and we have applied the upward movement, we must apply the same movement to all the hair, but using a towel; With this we manage to remove the excess product. If you are in a place with cold weather, I can recommend that you use a hair dryer with diffuser, applying hot and cold air to help dry your hair faster.

How to achieve very defined curls

The main thing we must take into account to achieve definition in our curls, begins with washing. It is recommended to wash the hair every 3 or 4 days, with a shampoo that does not contain high amounts of sulfates, then apply a conditioner that does not have silicones.

Moving on to the styling part, we must wet the hair very well, literally that it is draining water. Then using a brush that has the bristles separated, pass it all over the hair as if you were untangling it, this will help us define the curls. You brush it and move it a little, you will notice how the curls take shape.

Then using a gel not very heavy, apply it to the hair sectoring it by strands, apply the amount type an almond, distribute it in the hair by joining the hands, using them as if they were an iron and stretch it. After you stretch it, you make an upward movement, squeezing the strand, this will help distribute the gel, then perform the same movement preferably using a cotton shirt, this will help us not to have frizz.

Try to reduce humidity as much as you can by wearing the cotton shirt, but in some cases, this is not enough. So, you can use the hair dryer with the diffuser, applying hot and cold air, try to use it at low speeds. Because if you apply a high speed, there is a probability that frizz will be created, this process is quite time-consuming, but believe me that in the end the result will be fabulous.

Finally using a comb with separate bristles, separate the curls from the root, this will prevent it from having a squeezed appearance. This is the process that you can apply, so that you have quite defined curls that can last a little longer.

How do I have to comb my curls?

It is best to comb the hair right after applying the conditioner, usually curly hair can be combed using only the hands. Although some people prefer to use a comb, either way is valid. But if you use comb, try to make it a comb with the bristles quite far away.

This hairstyle is only to detangle the hair, it should be done in a gentle way from top to bottom without rubbing the hair, otherwise we could damage the curls that are formed. With this method you will be able to separate the hair and give it a natural appearance, preventing it from being crushed or piled up.

How the haircut has to be according to the curls of my hair

In many cases curly hair can become a real challenge, a challenge because we must try to keep it in perfect condition. This takes a fairly strict and sometimes a little tense process, where we must invest a lot of time.

It should be noted that there is a wide variety of styles and cuts when it comes to using a curly style. Everything depends:

  • First, your taste and what you feel comfortable with.
  • Second, the versatility of your hair.
  • Third, which one can help you conform to the style you own or which one suits your face best.


When it comes to having long curly hair, it requires a little more care. When washing it, you have to use products exclusively for curly hair, otherwise it could suffer consequences. The hair tends to weigh down when the curl is not nourished in the right way.

When drying it, the same method is used, using a cotton shirt preferably to reduce excess moisture. You should dry it in strands, avoid applying heat directly to the hair, in case you want to use a dryer; Because the heat dries out the hair and gives it a frizzy appearance.

We must not forget to nourish the hair, it is severely important to keep the hair nourished, to avoid dryness. When this happens in long hair, the hair tends to look crushed and looks very messy. Ideally, you should use a mask that moisturizes your hair and helps keep it that way.

Half mane

For girls with curly hair with half a mane, a cut over their shoulders does very well. This cut will give them much more volume and elasticity. Another advantage is that the care will be much easier to perform and fewer products will be spent.

Low amount of hair

Some women suffer from having little hair, but at the time of making a cut, a favorable result can be obtained. One of the most recommended cuts for those with little hair, is the layers, this cut will allow to have a volume effect on the hair.

Very straight hair

In the case of having a mane where the curls are not so defined, but rather are a style of waves. The cuts for this type of hair will vary according to the anatomy of the person, as it can go from a short cut to one with layers and bangs.

Hair products that will allow you to take better care of your curls

For each type of hair, it is important to have quality products that improve the appearance of the hair. In the case of curly hair, it is essential to have a care routine, where the products provide hydration, softness and shine. It is well said that curly hair is very dry and rough, this is because you do not use the right products to help control this problem.

Here is a list of products that will help curly hair look better:

  1. Shampoo.
  2. Conditioner.
  3. Gel.
  4. Styling cream.
  5. Balsam.
  6. Anti frizz.
  7. Serum.
  8. First.

Tricks to keep my hair curly and show off my hair

Curly hair is one of the most difficult hairs to treat, because due to the lack of hydration and frizz that can be lifted in this. For this reason, there are some tricks to keep curly hair in the best conditions and make it look beautiful.

Avoid silicone-based products

The woman with curly hair has always liked to be able to have defined curls and therefore it is important that each product that is used is for the benefit and that it does not damage it. Well, there are large amounts of products that do not allow curly hair to have deep hydration. This is because they sometimes use products that have silicone as an ingredient. However, silicone acts as a barrier that does not allow the hydration that is applied in the different masks to penetrate the hair.

Untangling hair with your fingers

It is essential to detangle curly hair with your fingers, as it will not allow it to break and maintain its shape. The ideal thing to detangle the hair is that it is wet, this will allow it to be easier. Then you should start from the tips to untangle little by little until you reach the root. If a large knot is found, you must have patience to detangle and not make the hair burst. Also, it is important to separate the hair into sections to make it easier.

Usar products de fiction luego de lavar el cabello

It is always sought that the curls are defined and fixed, so that the hair is not fluffed and the shape of the curls is lost. After washing the hair, it is ideal to use a product that provides a better fixation to the curls. The best thing will always be the quality of the product that is used, everything will depend on this. Among the products to fix are the gel, cream and foam; Some of these will help fix the curls.

Dry your hair with a sponge

Drying will play a very essential role, as the hair will look better. Drying the hair should be done as follows: tighten the hair with the sponge to remove excess water and the product that has been used. Subsequently, the hair is allowed to finish drying in the open air.

Use conditioner correctly

At the time of being applied the conditioner is essential, massage the scalp to stimulate its growth. Then from the roots to the tips, this process must be done for 5 minutes so that it has been effective. The use of conditioner will allow the hair to have greater hydration and make its handling easier when combing.

Keep the tips hydrated

Curly hair is usually dry and this merits deep moisturizing hair. Sometimes the ends of the hair look bad, since they are not hydrated. For this reason, it is important to use products that promote hair hydration in general. Natural treatments can also be performed to help this problem.


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