It is no secret to anyone that we love being able to have long and voluminous eyelashes, but unfortunately there are very few lucky ones. Many girls sometimes prefer men’s eyelashes because it is more common to see long eyelashes on them. Other women have the joy of having long, strong and beautiful eyelashes, for this reason they choose to perform aesthetic treatments.

Something to remember is that as time passes is to say what we age; they begin to lose strength and lose the ability to regenerate. This can also occur due to the use of beauty products that cause damage to them. But it is well said that there are ways to make these grow a little more and be beautiful.
Today there are multiple treatments that can be performed to maintain beautiful eyelashes. Since these are the center of attraction, for example you can fix the eyebrows and have a beautiful skin, but still the eyelashes are fundamental because they are the ones that highlight the look.
Currently girls choose to use eyelash extensions to make their look stand out even more. On the other hand, there are treatments that are performed so that these are stronger and at the same time have a curved and elongated effect such as the eyelash lift. But in addition to these treatments, there are homemade recipes that help us naturally to get long, healthy and strong eyelashes.
How to grow eyelashes naturally?
There is a saying that says that the eyes are the windows of the soul, that may be uncertain but what we do know is that our eyes are the center of attraction. And much more are the eyelashes that are part of them to make our look stand out. Likewise, most women want to have eyelashes that are long, strong and abundant, so it leads to treatments.
Many of these treatments that are seen in the market can be harmful to the health of our eyelashes. However, they can also affect our eyes, for this reason it is advisable to do home and natural treatments. Since these home remedies will not provide them to weaken and fall off. On the contrary, they will help them to be stronger, healthier and longer naturally.
Some of the natural treatments to help eyelashes grow is the use of natural oils. These oils are an option with a lot of potential, because many of them contain vitamin E which is essential to stimulate the growth of eyelashes. However, having a healthy and balanced diet leads to increase the natural growth of eyelashes and make them strong.
How to have long and abundant eyelashes in a short time? -Councils
We must take into account that our eyelashes need a lot of care, which is why leading a lifestyle well will allow them to stay healthy and strong. Among the care that we must have been to maintain hydration and a healthy diet. Here are some unpredictable tips:
- Hydration: We know that our body needs more than 80% hydration and that is why drinking water keeps us hydrated. This also causes every part of our body to function in the right way and our eyelashes to grow healthy and strong.
- Balanced diet: If we have a healthy and balanced diet our body will be able to face any circumstance. Now if you want your eyelashes to grow naturally, then start eating in a balanced way full of vegetables, fruits and lots of protein. Vitamins and minerals also increase their growth.
- Remove makeup and cleanse: having a cleaning routine is essential, just as it is done to maintain a beautiful face, it is also with our eyelashes. This is done to prevent them from breaking and falling. That’s why every time you use makeup you should clean your eyelashes well without leaving product residue. Since the mascara can delay growth due to the chemical composition it has.
- Do not exceed the use of the curling iron: using the flange curler excessively is wrong, because it promotes them to become weaker. For this reason, many times the eyelashes are broken by the force that is applied with this utensil. It is recommended not to use it too often to avoid this problem.
Home remedies for long and abundant eyelashes – Men and women
Both women and men like to have long and abundant eyelashes, but they are also healthy and strong. For this there are a number of home remedies that will help to have longer and fuller eyelashes. These remedies range from the use of natural oils to having a healthy diet to obtain a favorable result.
1. Almond oil
Almond oil has great potential for many uses, due to being rich in natural nutrients that are beneficial to our health. It is even more so for our eyelashes, because it provides fatty acids that makes it ideal for moisturizing the eyelashes and increasing their growth so that they are stronger. The only thing that should be done is to acquire this oil. Then with a swab you add a few drops of oil to be applied from where they grow to the tips. This remedy should be performed every night.
2. Jojoba oil
It is another oil rich in nutrients that helps growth and allows you to have your eyelashes hydrated naturally if harmful. Jojoba oil will help growth but will also allow for better circulation and take on more hardness to be strong. The indications for using it are very simple, take a swab with a few drops of jojoba oil. Subsequently, the swab passes through the beginning of its growth, this procedure is performed at night.
3. Chamomile tea
Chamomile has great natural properties for our health and our eyelashes, this option will stimulate the growth of eyelashes. You should only boil a little water in a pot, once this herb is added a chamomile tea slip. Finally take a swab and wet it with the tea and then pass it through your eyelashes.
4. Bee honey
Bee honey is widely used for skin care, as it allows it to be healthy and look beautiful. But it also helps eyelashes to grow faster and get fabulous results. The application of this should be done every night, what you should do is take some honey with your fingertip and place it on the eyelashes. The recommended thing is that it be used hours before sleeping, because if you go to sleep with that in your eyelashes, certain animals can reach the bed.
5. Olive oil
In case you do not have almond or jojoba oil available, you can go to use olive oil that is full of many nutritional properties. These properties help hair growth and at the same time make them strong. What you should do is place a little of the oil with your fingertips on the eyelash massaging them, it should be done at night.
Steps to get longer and more defined tabs
If you want to have long and defined eyelashes for your day to day, or a special moment, you only have to perform a few very simple steps. This is achieved by using makeup and especially with mascara, by using this product you can make your eyelashes look much more attractive and defined.
Use an eyelash curler
While it is true that using the curling iron is not so recommended, but this tool helps to enhance the look much more. The flange curler allows a curve to be created in it to give a raised lash effect. What you should do is press gently and in several sets to get a great result. Something to avoid is to use the curling iron when the eyelashes have moisture, because if you do it you could damage your eyelashes. A tip so that you can see a better result is to apply a little heat to the curling iron with a dryer and so you can notice the difference.
Apply a mascara
This is a super important step to perform, since the mascara will help the look to be accentuated more and the eyelashes have an elongated effect. Nowadays there is a wide variety of mascaras and all in order to make the eyelashes look much longer and fuller. Whatever the choice of mascara, you should perform the following steps:
- Start applying the mascara from the root, depositing more product in that area and the rest you take to the tips with zigzag movements.
- Once applied the mascara is left to dry for a minute and then place another layer of mascara, you can place the layers you want until you achieve the result you want. A trick to help get beautiful eyelashes, is to place a little talcum powder or translucent powder with a clean brush. This should be done after the first layer and before the second layer.
Hairstyle and outline
Lastly, you should only comb the eyelashes with a clean toothbrush or eyelash brush. This will help so that there are no lumps in the eyelashes and adds greater intensity of volume. You can also choose to outline the root of the eyelashes and also the upper water line, because visually it will give a touch of volume and more depth.
Tips that will allow you to have strong and long eyelashes for longer
During this article we have talked about how to have longer, stronger and healthier eyelashes. Now we will be looking at some tips that will help us stay strong and long for longer. Everything is based on maintaining a routine and that is constant to be able to notice the results with very basic products and natural ingredients.
Use petroleum jelly
Vaseline is widely used to moisturize the lips, helps remove makeup and acts very well for eyelashes. Using petroleum jelly on your eyelashes helps them hydrate more and stay strong. What you should do is place a small amount on the eyelids and eyelashes at night.
Brush them every day
Brushing your eyelashes every day helps stimulate growth. You must constantly do this to achieve desired long-term results. The results will be noticeable after three weeks onwards.
Use green tea to clean the eyes
Green tea contains multiple nutrients and properties that help for health. In addition to being a rich drink because it contains antioxidants and a large number of flavonoids, it helps the eyelashes to be more resistant. You should simply moisten a cotton ball with the previously made tea, then you should start gently cleansing the eyes. This will stimulate the growth and hydration of the eyelashes; you can also place the tea bags over the eyes for greater effect.
Eating foods that are rich in keratin
Consuming foods rich in keratin is the best thing we can do. Keratin is a great ally for hair growth and hair on our body. Foods rich in keratin are chicken, rice, fish, eggs and legumes.
How can I prevent eyelashes from breaking with extensions?
Very often we break or our eyelashes fall out and that frustrates us, since nobody likes not having eyelashes. We just need to be careful about what we apply in that area and how we recall the products. When applying eyelash extensions, glues are used that contain chemicals that can be harmful to them and can also cause eye irritation.
Many women today choose to wear eyelash extensions to further enhance their look. These in sight look very beautiful but also has its con, since when removing them, you have to do it very carefully to prevent them from breaking. It is advisable to go to a specialist in a beauty salon to remove the extensions safely.
But if you are one of those girls who do not like to go to a beauty salon and prefer to do it yourself, then you should do these procedures:
Use makeup remover
This is a very simple method that helps to remove eyelash extensions just by using makeup remover. The effectiveness of this method will depend on the type of eyelash extension you are using. Because some merit another type of product that is a little stronger than a makeup remover. In the case of extensions that are hair to hair are somewhat more difficult to remove with makeup remover.
What you need to do is the following:
- Use a cotton swab moistened with makeup remover, placing it on the eyelashes until they get wet well.
- Once the tab is wet you just have to give a gentle pull to take off the extension.
Baby oil
Using baby oil is very useful for removing eyelash extensions and does not promote any type of irritation. A favorable amount should be placed on hair growth and so the extensions will begin to peel off much faster. The oil will allow the used glue to soften and allow the eyelashes to be removed more easily.
Use of heat and steam
Making vapors with hot water will help the glue of the false eyelashes to fall apart faster. You should only make hot water vapors at night to speed up the process so that the extensions fall off without damaging the natural eyelashes.
Castor oil
Castor oil is a potential ingredient to help you have long and strong eyelashes. But it also serves to remove eyelash extensions, even if the process is slow. Even so, the result is very effective, because it will not allow natural eyelashes to fall out or break. This oil should be applied every night on the hair growth part and where the glue is located. The oil should be left to act overnight, so the glue can be weakened and facilitate the removal of them.
What are the benefits of eyelash lifting?
The eyelash lift is a treatment that has become a trend in beauty salons. This new technique allows even those girls who have few eyelashes to do it. Unlike the permanent that only those with long eyelashes can apply this. The lifting allows the eyelashes from hair growth to curl without being harmful.
This treatment is not risky and is very easy to perform, as long as it is by a specialist. In addition, it is a long-lasting treatment that can be done often, instead the permanent is recommended to be done at least three times a year. Because it can cause eyelashes to weaken and fall out.
With the eyelash lift you will get a more attractive look, because the eyelashes will have more curvature and volume, it will be like the ones you always wanted. Another advantage of this treatment is that it is economical and not aggressive, they only use a fixing gel that will allow your eyelashes to be fixed for a favorable time.
Create volume
The eyelash lift treatment will allow even the smallest eyelashes to stretch to achieve a favorable result. What makes it create more volume and the look stands out, making them look amazing. The coolest thing is that you won’t need to use mascara for a while.
Results in a short time
The procedure is very simple and does not require many hours unlike others. What they will do is place a pad on your eyelid in order to stick the eyelashes to it. Then they placed a fixing gel and you will only have to wait a few minutes for the effect you want to take place. The result will be fabulous because you will achieve even longer and curved eyelashes.
You will achieve a natural result
In this treatment you will not need to use extensions to get more voluminous or longer eyelashes. Specialists who perform this treatment make natural eyelashes have the effect of longer and denser.
Steps to apply an eyelash lift
To perform the treatment, you will only have to have forty minutes and have it done by a specialist who has previous knowledge. The steps are very simple and here we will leave you what they are:
- Place a silicone pad in each eye on the upper eyelid along with the eyelashes. The pads are obtained in different sizes and each one gives a different effect.
- Then begin to stretch the eyelashes on the pads, so that it takes the shape of these. Then apply the gel especially of this treatment and thus begin to stretch the eyelashes with the tips towards the top.
- The gel is left to act for approximately 15 minutes.
- After the time, the second gel is applied, which allows hollowing out and giving much more volume to the eyelashes. It is also left for 15 minutes.
- Subsequently, the eyelash pads are cleaned and removed, without any trace of the product.
- If you want to get your eyelashes to have a spectacular effect, you can use dye to darken them and make them much more noticeable.
What is the duration of an eyelash lift?
The approximate duration of the eyelash lift is five to eight weeks. But this will depend on the care you have and the development of hair growth in each person. But as observed it is certain that this treatment lasts about a month or two months. It has also been considered as a very simple but durable aesthetic treatment. Since they are two months practically in which you will not have to make a touch up and we will not have to worry.
What makes this treatment incredible is the use of the right gel and that it is original. Well, the fixing gel helps the natural eyelashes take the form of curvature and have an elongating effect. It is understood that there is no type of gel or glue that is not indestructible, because everything has an expiration time. Even so, the time of two months makes this aesthetic procedure perfect and the wonderful thing is that it can be done up to six times a year without damaging the eyelashes.