How to make a vaginal vajacial or facial at home in a simple way

How to make a vaginal vajacial or facial at home in a simple way

Moisturizing certain parts of the body easily at home is not a difficult task nor are they complicated recipes to prepare and get their ingredients. However, it makes a vajacial consists of exfoliating our intimate part or groin moisturizing it to beautify the skin and have a finer and more delicate appearance.

How to make a vaginal vajacial or facial at home in a simple way

To create recipes at home to exfoliate and moisturize the skin you must use ingredients that are exclusively natural which are easy to get in your kitchen, in supermarkets or in health food stores if you want to have specific recipes to perform different types of hydrations in different parts of the body.

How can I prepare a vajacial to maintain intimate hygiene

This treatment is perfect to deal with burns, discoloration, shaving burns or ingrown hairs and at home you can use tea tree essential oil steam, also homemade products such as egg white, cucumber, honey or coconut oil to exfoliate and moisturize the outside of the groin, in addition to providing exfoliation to the skin and of course help open the pores for extraction leaving it younger.

The use of masks and serums can also be a very advisable option to keep it the outside of the vagina moisturizes clean and with a smoother or more sensitive appearance, there are also ways to keep it beautiful if so, much effort at home taking Greek yogurt, going to the gynecologist at least once a year of course and do not forget excessive washing in your intimate area.

What is vaginal facial and what does this intimate treatment consist of?

It is a treatment that consists of exfoliation, hydration and deep cleansing of the outside of the vagina, either with masks, serums, LED light or steam, as they include fats, proteins and testosterone breakdown products.

It is perfect for moisturizing and exfoliating the groin to avoid or reduce discoloration burns, acne and shaving burns, with an effective and very conventional effect that you can do from home, in salons or spas for a better result, for this treatment it is important to clean with steam, masks and LED light, since it has a special antibacterial work for your intimate area.

As a main, they perform certain steps before applying the products in your intimate area as the necessary fact of undressing from the waist down, it is also to wear disposable underwear if it is your preference.

  • They mainly steam apply tea tree essential oil to cleanse and exfoliate your skin and help open pores for extraction.
  • They then produce an extraction of blockages, incarnates and protrusions.
  • Then they use masks with soothing and antioxidant effects ideal to further soothe the skin of ingrown or embedded hairs.
  • They then use a high-frequency glass probe which works to remove any remaining bacteria from your skin and prevent ingrown hairs.
  • They use a special tool to emit an electric current that works to produce oxygen and push skin pores to kill bacteria.
  • Finally, they will apply a moisturizer to brighten the skin and also help pigmentation and scars.

Methods to care for the skin of the intimate area 100% Effective

There are many ways to take care of your intimate area, either through creams, gels, oils, masks and treatments to care for it by giving it a younger and hydrated appearance.

However, it is one of the most sensitive parts of the body, for this reason it is necessary to properly use ingredients that are suitable for not causing changes in its appearance, such as having indications when toning darker by friction and hormonal influence or also having a different smell in it.

Generally, use natural products such as coconut or almond oils are preferably composed of saturated fatty acids such as myristic acid and lauric, perfect for deeper hydration, either after shaving or when performing certain cleanings that involve massage.

Vajacial kit

If you want to count a safer and healthier cleansing or hydration for your skin. It is recommended that you choose to go to salons or spas where they perform these services for better comfort with the help of professionals and of course with products that are suitable for your vulva, be careful or take precautions, is the most important thing.

Since there are several products that have specified the application and each time it has to be in your intimate area and remove them, it is something delicate with relevant details, it is one of the most accessible areas of your body and for this reason that reason must be treated properly.

What is vajacial?

It consists of products that work to cleanse and exfoliate your skin leaving it more hydrated that help revitalize the appearance of your intimate part, with a more sensitive and delicate appearance, it is a treatment suitable for women who want to have a deeper and professional cleaning to maintain proper and due care in your groin, your vagina includes sweat glands that produce rough sweat with fats, proteins, and testosterone breakdown products.

How to wash the intimate part

If you choose to use cleansing products, make sure they are specific and suitable for your intimate area, it is very common for women to use gels that praise a deeper and more effective wash without causing changes in their Hp and keep it balanced.

However, when washing your intimate area, you should clean from front to back washing only the external area. However, you should avoid douching and do not use sponges under any circumstances, after washing do not use intimate deodorants, it will not be necessary, since they are not advisable. Lastly, wear cotton underwear.


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