How to Use Unflavored Gelatin for Your Hair, Skin, and Joints

How to Use Unflavored Gelatin for Your Hair, Skin, and Joints

Unflavored gelatin, still used to make a delicious dessert and in the preparation of different pastry recipes, can also be used as a treatment for hair, skin and joints. Preparing unflavored gelatin for different treatments is easy and very effective.

How to Use Unflavored Gelatin for Your Hair, Skin, and Joints

However, consuming it also helps because of the large number of amino acids it has, of which some are essential and the body incorporates it with food. Some of the uses of unflavored gelatin are as follows:

  • As an ingredient in shampoo to give volume and strengthen it.
  • Dissolved in water to be taken and help improve bone conditions.
  • Decreases expression lines.
  • Mask to remove acne marks.
  • Multivitamin supplement.

What can it contribute to health?

Unflavored gelatin is known as a food that complements our nutrition and provides multiple proteins. Gelatin contains 18 amino acids among them 8 are very necessary to be included in the diet. Other components are glycine and proline, which helps improve the body’s tissues in terms of structure.

Within the restoration that this does is that of bones, tendons, cartilage and ligaments, gelatin is recommended for those who have osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. All this because of its high content of amino acids that helps a better functioning of the joints. On the other hand, glycine provides muscle mass, converting glucose into energy instead of fat.

Another contribution of unflavored gelatin for health, is that of a very particular protein that is necessary for our body and is collagen. The presence of collagen in our body is very important, as it provides elasticity to our bones, intervertebral discs, ligaments, the membranes that cover muscle fibers. It also helps improve our skin, gums, blood vessel walls, scalp, among others.

Preparing unflavored gelatin also helps those who suffer from diabetes or who need to lose weight. Well, unflavored gelatin decreases appetite and regulates blood sugar. However, it is also recommended when presenting constipation, poor digestion and gastritis. It also works as a vitamin supplement for children and women who are pregnant.

Helps control blood sugar

Primarily, blood sugar is known as glucose found in the blood. This comes from the consumption of food and works as a source of energy for our body. As for preparing unflavored gelatin, it allows the glycine contained in it to help regulate high blood sugar levels.

Improves bone health

It has been well studied that consuming unflavored gelatin helps improve bone health, due to the concentration of amino acids that are important to consume. As a result, the consumption of this food prevents the risk of arthritis and osteoporosis. In this sense that it is a very good food supplement, it helps us to the health of bones and joints.

Facilitates digestion

The consumption of unflavored gelatin facilitates digestion, because it is a hydrophilic food, since it attracts the sides. This food is perfect for digestion because it helps retain stomach juices facilitating the digestion of meals improving the movement of the intestine.

Strengthens nails and hair

The amino acids concentrated in gelatin work as a repairer for nails and hair. Our nails and hair need collagen to be healthy and gelatin contains this protein, which makes it necessary to consume it. On the other hand, many hair treatment products contain unflavored gelatin.

Improves the appearance of the skin

Our skin needs collagen to maintain a healthy appearance, which is why gelatin can be consumed to improve our skin. Also, gelatin is used in many creams and skin care treatments.

Reduces stress and anxiety

The glycine contained in unflavored gelatin has been proven to act as a natural soothing. Thanks to this, the massive production of norepinephrine, a hormone that is related to the state of anxiety and panic, is reduced. When consumed, it helps balance the activity of the nervous system.

What are the benefits of unflavored gelatin for joints?

Unflavored gelatin is a very important nutritional supplement to consume for its great benefits. In the case of joints, this increases bone mineral density and improves joint health. Due to the concentration of collagen, it possesses and that is absorbed correctly, distributing correctly in the tissues of the cartilage.

Over time the joints are damaged, which causes joint degeneration to occur losing motility. Because of this, joint pain, limitation of movement, inflammation, sensitivity and in turn disability are present. For this reason, it is necessary to consume gelatin to increase collagen production.

Gelatin remedies for joint pain

When you begin to age, you begin to lose mobility in our body and this is due to the lack of collagen present in the joints. But also, many people who have an accident or who practice some type of sport have injuries that cause joint pain. However, there are some remedies with unflavored gelatin to help these problems.

Gelatin and cold water


  • A tablespoon of unflavored gelatin.
  • A glass of water.


In the glass of water pour the unflavored gelatin and mix well until it dissolves. Subsequently, it is taken on an empty stomach before breakfast. This remedy should be consumed for a month and then let two weeks pass to repeat the remedy.

Milk jelly

Milk jelly is based on preparing unflavored gelatin with liquid milk. This remedy helps increase calcium production and improve joints. Its preparation is very simple to perform.


  • Two tablespoons of unflavored gelatin.
  • A glass of cold milk.


In a bowl pour the cold milk and add the unflavored gelatin, it should be mixed and let stand for an hour. Then in a pot the mixture is placed and it is heated in a water bath without it boiling. After letting stand and then be consumed, you can add a little honey. It is recommended to take for three weeks in a row.

Gelatin compresses


  • A tablespoon of unflavored gelatin.
  • A liter of water.


Place the water in a pot and heat it, once hot, dip in it a bandage already folded before and add the unflavored gelatin. After placing the bandage on the part where they have the pain for a time of 20 minutes, this procedure is repeated every day until the pain disappears.

How to use unflavored gelatin on hair

Women love being able to maintain healthy, damage-free hair. But often the hair is exposed to being ironed which causes it to be damaged and create orchestras.

Also, to chemical treatments that can cause the fall and damage of the same. Likewise, when it is had it loses its naturalness and an unpleasant appearance remains.

For this reason, it is important to make some masks, tonics and homemade creams having gelatin as an ingredient, since it has collagen that helps repair hair from the root. Below are some recipes on how to prepare unflavored gelatin to help our hair:

Mask for damaged hair


  • A glass of water.
  • Aloe vera gel 50 gr.
  • A large tablespoon of unflavored gelatin.


Take a pot pour the water to be heated, to which it begins to boil add the other ingredients and mix well.

Then it is removed from the heat and left to rest, then placed in the refrigerator to be used as a mask once a week on the hair. It should be poured into the hair from the root to the ends for a time of 10 minutes and then rinsed with cold water.

Moisturizing cream


  • Two glasses of water.
  • Three tablespoons of unflavored gelatin.
  • Conditioner.


In a pot add the water to be heated, once it starts to boil add the gelatin and mix until it dissolves. After boiling, remove from heat and let stand and then add the mixture to conditioner. It is used every time the hair is washed, this will help provide hydration to the hair.

To straighten hair

Many hair straightening products and treatments are expensive and contain chemicals that can damage hair. On the other hand, you can prepare unflavored gelatin with other ingredients that provide a more natural straightening without causing damage, rather the hair will look healthier, silkier and shinier.


  • Half a liter of warm water.
  • Five tablespoons of unflavored gelatin.
  • Five tablespoons of olive oil.


In a bowl pour the warm water and add the other ingredients mixing well, the consistency it should have been cream or paste. It should be applied to the scalp and the rest of the hair for approximately 30 minutes, then rinse the hair with plenty of water.

For curly hair

Girls with curly hair like to have well-defined curls, which is why they choose to use gel or foam to define them. However, many of these products contain chemicals that damage the hair fiber, while gelatin in conjunction with other ingredients does not cause damage.


  • Two tablespoons of unflavored gelatin,
  • Ten tablespoons of water.
  • Styling cream.


To prepare unflavored gelatin as a cream that can define curls is to mix in a container the gelatin and water, until it dissolves completely. Once the ingredients are mixed, this mixture is added to the styling cream you normally use, it should be used with wet hair, this will help the curls look more defined for a long time.

Learn how to make unflavored gelatin-based masks

Making masks based on unflavored gelatin is very easy, the only requirement is to have the necessary ingredients to make them. Unflavored gelatin provides collagen that helps keep our skin healthy. It also acts as a healing, eliminates blackheads and acne.

Gelatin and milk mask


  • A tablespoon of unflavored gelatin.
  • A tablespoon of powdered milk.


In a bowl place the ingredients mixing well, then put in a microwave for a time of 20 minutes. After the time it is stirred and applied to the face for approximately 20 minutes, then removed with warm water.

Gelatin and avocado mask


  • Half an avocado.
  • A glass of water.
  • Two tablespoons of unflavored gelatin.


The avocado must be crushed that is like puree. Then in a pot heat the water and add the gelatin, stirring for a few minutes. Then it is removed from the heat to add the avocado, once mixed everything is applied on the face for 20 minutes, it should be washed with cold water.


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