Many struggles with acne in adolescence, but why does acne or pimples come out on the face after being an adult? This is a situation that a lot of people face, because they do not know why pimples appear on the face.

Normally after the age of 18 acne stops appearing, but in many cases, it reappears even at age 40. This has a lot to do with the type of skin of each person and the care that is offered to the skin.
In order for you to understand what happens on the face for acne to arise, we will explain every detail as well as offer you some tips that will help you improve this situation.
I have pimples on my face suddenly: Why?
To understand the causes of acne after adulthood, we must understand why pimples appear on the face, since there are several causes. Pimple creation happens when a pore becomes clogged with fat and bacteria, causing pustules of hard or liquid fat.
It is a complete infection in the pores and can produce adverse consequences such as redness, marks, hollows, scars and serious skin problems. But what is the meaning of pimples on the face, it means that you are going through a problem with fat or something hereditary.
The face, upper back, shoulders and chest are the most affected by acne, because it is where there are more sebaceous glands. These are the glands responsible for creating fat, and the hair follicles are directly connected to them.
These are the true causes of pimples on the face, which also affect adults. The type of skin that is oily tends to suffer from more sebum production and this leads to the appearance of pimples.
The biggest reasons for this are excessive consumption of fat in meals, poor hygiene, and rubbing your face when it’s dirty. However, there are many treatments to combat acne that can be highly effective.
With frequent consumption of oil, the pores produce more oil than usual and end up clogging, this in combination with dirt creates pimples. If it is customary to run your hand over your face when it is dirty, the pores will clog faster.
On the other hand, lesions on the skin of the face and constant humidity can create an environment in which the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes (typical of acne) develops and begins to produce pimples on the face and other parts of the body.
What are the causes of acne in adults?
Adult acne is seen in 2 important cases which are:
- Skin type: The type of skin is a fundamental factor that tells us if a face is prone or not to suffer from acne. Oily skin is the one that secretes the most sebum which leads to an accumulation of substances on the surface that can become infected and give rise to pimples.
- Hormonal problems: In the case of women, it happens that hormonal changes can lead to the face being placed fattier than normal and the appearance of pimples and pimples begins. The use of birth control pills and other contraceptive methods is also heavily involved.
In the case of men, hormonal changes can be seen in diseases that involve the thyroid gland, in cases of stress and steroid treatments.
Can acne appear because of stress?
Yes, when a person is constantly subjected to stressful situations, cortisol is generated in his body. Cortisol swimming through the bloodstream creates changes in the glands, especially the sebaceous and sweat glands.
The hyperstimulation of these glands causes the face to become oily and with it the consequent appearance of pimples and pimples.
What are the types of acne or pimples on the face?
Basically, grains are created in similar ways, a pore is covered with fat, it combines with bacteria and an infection is created. The difference is in the carelessness of the person, their daily diet and the possibility of having hormonal complications.
To specify all this, we will show the types of grains that exist:
- Milium: It is one of the most common and least harmful grains, usually small accumulations of oil in the pores. When you take them out you can see that they are whitish and semi-hard.
Blackheads: When a milium is neglected and comes into contact with the environment, it fills with dirt and bacteria turning black at the tip or completely.
- Cyst: It is usually a lump of fat under the skin, shows as a redness on the face without infection and tends to disappear on its own.
- Shin: It is a small pimple with a moderate infection, the tip is usually white and with some pus.
- Grain: They are a reddish inflammation that indicates serious infection in the pore, are what are usually called muds and seriously affect the epidermis.
Natural treatments to treat acne in adults
Since we know better the reason why pimples appear we can choose to look for a natural treatment for acne in adults. The main thing is to avoid the appearance of acne, for this you must start leading a much healthier life.
Eat healthily, avoid at all costs the intake of fats, which directly intercede in the creation of infected pimples full of pus. Bathing more regularly is usually good both to prevent acne and to prevent the infection from progressing.
Among the home remedies you can use are:
- Green tea tonic: green tea is very good at eliminating toxins and therefore consuming it frequently is excellent. Now, if you use it as a tonic, it will also help you keep the skin free of dirt or pathogens. To use it you just have to prepare boiling water, place the tea, wait for it to cool and spray it on your face after you have previously washed it with the appropriate elements. You wait for it to dry and that’s it. Try to do this at night and wash your face when you wake up.
- Aloe vera: This plant is recognized for its cleansing and healing power. Cut a stalk, remove the bark and rinse until all the yellow slug substance disappears and after washing the face apply the aloe vera, let stand for 15 minutes and rinse with plenty of water.
- Apple cider vinegar tonic: This vinegar effectively fights bacteria and fungi apart from the fact that its acidity allows the fat of the face to be balanced. To use it you must dilute in a container a measure of apple cider vinegar and 3 measures of water; With a cotton mop cleans the face, leave 20 seconds and then rinse with plenty of water.
- Honey and cinnamon: The mixture of honey and cinnamon not only nourishes the skin of the face but works as a powerful antibiotic and anti-inflammatory. Therefore, masks based on these ingredients are quite beneficial. To use it you just have to form a paste with 2 tablespoons of honey and one of cinnamon, apply it on the face after it is clean, leave it on for 15 minutes and then remove with plenty of water.
Recommendations to prevent acne from getting on my face
As the years go by the care of the face should be done with greater emphasis, this will prevent the appearance of acne and will also greatly decrease the fine lines.
To prevent acne from getting you do not need many things, just perseverance and dedication, follow the following tips to achieve it.
Facial cleansing
Facial cleansing is very important and perform it properly even more. Not only do you get rid of toxins and dirt but you can nourish the face. Cleansing the face consists of three important elements:
- Facial soap
- Tonic
- Sunscreen or nourishing cream.
It is important to take into account your skin type because based on that you must choose the right products. If your skin is dry, you can use cream soaps or cleansing milks but if your skin is oily it is indicated to use gel soaps and that they are not at all oily, like creams and sunscreen. Otherwise, your skin will become even oilier giving rise to pimples.
The order will always be the same, first wash your face with facial soap, then apply the toner and finally the sunscreen if it is day or the nourishing cream if it is night. Facial cleansing should be done at least 2 times a day.
Much is said about how positive peels are to get rid of dead skin cells, but very little is said about proper use. This goes hand in hand with the type of skin, if you have dry skin, you can exfoliate your face once a week with quick and energetic movements.
On the other hand, if your skin is mixed with a tendency to oil or is oily, exfoliation should not be done so often since the sebaceous glands are stimulated, which increases the production of sebum in the skin and the consequent appearance of pimples and pimples.
The exfoliation for oily skin should be done every 15 days or once a month and has to be done quickly and for a short time, avoiding as much as possible overstimulating the glands of the skin.
A proper diet will go a long way in keeping your skin fresh and free of pimples. The consumption of fruits and vegetables and the decrease in fat content will help your skin stay balanced in terms of the oil content it normally has.
Vitamins are also quite necessary, including vitamin C and vitamin E. You can have an adequate intake of vitamins to help take care of your skin.
When you use makeup, it is important that you first clean your face and then protect it with moisturizing cream or gel so that the pores are not impregnated with makeup. It is also absolutely necessary that at night before going to bed you remove all makeup.
At night, specifically when sleeping, the skin of the face and the whole body is nourished and self-regulated; Therefore, makeup will only obstruct this process. You have to remove it with makeup remover and then wash your face as usual.