How to have perfect skin without spots? – Tricks to take care of your skin

How to have perfect skin without spots - Tricks to take care of your skin

All ladies want, to have a smooth skin, without spots, basically you could say that to have a perfect skin, but many think that is impossible, but let me tell you that it is not so, of course to get to have a fairly healthy skin, we need to put into practice some habits. The main thing is food, this is something that we must take care of, having a balanced diet, without saturated fats, or sugars, will not only help to have better health. You need to add foods rich in vitamins A, C and D to your diet as these vitamins directly influence skin health.

How to have perfect skin without spots - Tricks to take care of your skin

In the same way, you need to identify what type of skin you have, we have oily skin, dry skin and combination skin, each of these have different characteristics, advantages and disadvantages so to speak, therefore the ways of caring are different. Another important aspect to take into account is sun exposure, we must be very careful with this, because high exposure to the sun, not only will burn our skin, but in the long term it tends to stain.

Most common skin problems I may have.

Basically, the main skin problems are the same, of course in some cases, the problems are a little more complicated and take a professional treatment and different care. But if you do not suffer from a more complex problem, you can put into practice some of these types to take care of the skin and be able to have it a little more beautiful and healthier.


It is a disease that causes swelling in the skin, usually known as dermatitis. The symptoms of this skin disease are, dryness, itching and rash that usually occurs on the skin of the face, elbows and behind the knees. If we scratch the skin tends to redden and increases swelling and itching.

Eczema is not contagious and the reason why it appears is not known, but it is associated with environmental pollution problems and genetic problems. Usually, this disease is long-lasting and is not guaranteed to improve over time, in some cases it tends to get worse.

To combat the disease, you can use skin creams, light therapy and most essentially, good skin care. If we suffer from this disease, we have to avoid those things that can irritate our skin, such as: some soaps, some fabrics and facial lotions. We must also take care of stress, because being present can cause swelling to increase and finally avoid food, pollen and animals that can cause allergies.

Oral herpes.

Also known as cold sores or fever blisters, it is a viral disease, which produces small blisters that contain fluid and form a kind of outbreak. Such a bud appears on or around the lips. After the blisters burst a crust form that lasts several days, the duration of cold sores is between two to three weeks and has the quality of not leaving a scar.

One of the most negative things about herpes is that it can be spread through close contact “by kissing”. This virus is known as herpes simplex type 1 or (HSV-1), but we can also get herpes simplex type 2 (HSV-2) which is known as genital herpes, this type of herpes can be spread through oral sex.

To combat this disease, oral antibiotics and antiviral creams are used, of course under the supervision of a doctor. Unfortunately, this skin disease has no cure and treatments only serve to reduce the frequent appearance of the outbreak and the duration of them.


When we spend a long time exposing ourselves to sunlight or ultra violet (UV) rays, our skin tends to redden and we feel burning, usually the skin feels warm to the touch. When we spend a lot of time exposing ourselves to ultra-violet rays, our skin can suffer burns, the possibility of spots increases and the appearance of the skin is usually dry or wrinkled.

Keep in mind that exposure to sunlight for long periods can increase the risk of skin cancer (melanoma). So, it is best that if you are going to spend a day outdoors or use a bicycle or motorcycle as a means of transport, protect your skin very well, but not only that of the face but also that of the arms and hands.

Acne and blackheads.

For many during adolescence one of the worst experiences, but there are some people who may have already gone through that period of adolescence and still suffer from this problem. This problem is mainly associated with food, if our diet, you consume a lot of fats and sugars, it is very normal for this problem to appear.

Now, blackheads or acne, are an obstruction in the pores of the skin, the pores are clogged with a substance called sebacic, it is a kind of fat that arises mainly in the part of the forehead and nose. It is called blackhead because the pore is open and obstructed by a black plug, which is generated by the accumulation of melanin, this kind of plug does not allow the drainage of the sebaceous gland.

Can I have smooth, blemish-free skin? – How to achieve this?

Being able to have a radiant face without imperfections, is one of the biggest battles in the world of cosmetics, because realistically we all want a skin, without blemishes, acne and if no type of imperfection, without the need to use makeup.

Therefore, the first thing we must take into account to care for and have a skin free of imperfections is; Keep the skin as clean as possible, using a Japanese method called “double cleaning”, this so that we do not miss a single pore.

In the same way, to execute the cleaning, it is best to opt for products that have dermatological approval, since these are effective products that get to the root of the problem. Similarly for the use of moisturizers and sunscreens, when using these products with dermatological approval, they guarantee that the skin will absorb the entire product and will not cause irritation.

Steps to have a perfect skin naturally and without expensive products.

We must take into account the following, to achieve a perfect skin we must be very strict with the steps to follow, we must protect the skin from exposure to the sun, polluting environments, try to use products that do not cause irritation of it.

Purify the skin and the area you want to treat.

Everything we eat, is reflected in our skin, if we feed ourselves with toxic ingredients, with harmful fats and with excess sugar, it is logical to expect that the pores of the skin become clogged and we cannot eliminate these toxins, and this is reflected in our skin.

There are several recommendations quite simple to apply in order to improve the condition of our skin. It is vital to stay hydrated all day, try to drink the minimum water a day “8 glasses of water”. It is also very good to take a glass of warm water with a few drops of lemon juice on an empty stomach, this will help purify the blood.

It is very good that you practice some physical activity, doing sports makes us much healthier and our skin is no exception. When you can eat only organic products, try to eliminate very heavy foods from your diet or at least try to reduce your consumption, foods such as refined sugars, dairy and those that contain gluten.

Use natural products to nourish the skin.

We must try to eat foods with enough nutrients, because as we talked about a moment ago, what we eat is reflected in the skin and if we consume not so good foods, loaded with chemicals and artificial dyes, it will result in dull and dry skin, in addition to accelerating the possible appearance of wrinkles and acne.

We must nourish ourselves from the inside out, this means that we must consume foods such as fruits, whole grains, vegetables, seeds and nuts. Try to consume natural foods with natural antioxidants, an example is cucumber, contains a wide variety of antioxidants and helps moisturize the skin.

Cleanses the skin of applied products.

If you like to wear makeup, try to use good quality products, that you are really sure that they will not be harmful to your face. On the other hand, we must have a fairly rigorous cleaning to take care of the skin in the right way, we must use neutral cleansers every night before sleeping, to eliminate any product that can cause dehydration in the skin.

Exfoliates the skin and moisturizes it.

This step is severely important. By exfoliating our skin, we remove dead skin cells, those cells that make the skin pigment look dull. To exfoliate the skin, I recommend that you use dermatology-approved products.

It is not necessary that you buy the most expensive exfoliant, but if one that is approved and also that you know that it will not contain ingredients that may be harmful to the skin, you can exfoliate your skin 2 times a week, try to take this as a habit and you will see the results.

Use products to protect the skin.

One of the main damages in our skin, produces excess exposure to sunlight (UV), being too long exposing our face to ultraviolet rays, causes redness, irritation and the skin feels warm to the touch. In the long term this can cause spotting and dryness, as well as increasing the chances of cancer. For this reason, it is advisable to take care of our skin with a daily routine, which includes the use of sunscreen, moisturizer and others.

So, you can take care of your skin from pimples if you are a teenager.

To face this problem, we must wash the face a maximum of 2 times a day, but you have to wash it in a special way, use warm water and a soap that is recommended to care for skin with acne problems, they are usually mild soaps. When washing it, massage with circular movements, do not rub the skin to avoid irritating it.

The most common mistake we make when we have acne, is to burst the pimples that come out, this because we want to get rid of all that matter it contains, but the consequences of this can be very negative, because if you burst a pimple, a part of that matter can be pushed to the deepest layers of the skin, causing inflammation and redness. Ideally, you should go to a professional to extract all that infected material correctly.

Try to be very strict in cleaning, if you use lenses try to keep them clean, because otherwise it can cause the pores to clog even more and this results in more acne. On the other hand, also keep the hair clean, because any impurity that is in this and comes into contact with the face can cause some worse obstruction.

Remember to protect yourself from the sun as much as you can. When we have acne, our skin is in a very delicate state and in a certain way very exposed, if we are not careful with this, what we can cause is that the skin is stained and takes an even more negative appearance.

Is it advisable to use oatmeal and baking soda to exfoliate the face?

Using this method or recipe can be very useful, in fact I know several people who have worked, but I would recommend that if you have the possibility of acquiring a product to exfoliate for professional use, use it, because these products are manufactured specifically to remove impurities from the skin and help it care.

What are the best facial toners to take care of my skin?

Facial toners are an indispensable tool, after cleaning the face. These toners help refresh and moisturize the skin, can help you renew and balance the skin, also helps to care for the skin to prevent imperfections.

A fairly good tonic, is that of rice water, this tonic helps reduce irritation and eliminate impurities, fighting acne and excessive shine of the skin. To apply it, all you have to do is take half a cup of rice and put it to soak overnight, then pack only the water in a bottle and apply the liquid all over the face with a cotton ball giving small pulses in each area.

Another excellent option is chamomile tonic, this serves mainly as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory. It is ideal for eliminating dark circles and reducing inflammation of sleepless faces. To use this recipe, all you have to do is boil a tablespoon of chamomile flowers or use an organic tea bag and let everything sit for about 20 minutes. After the time filter the water, put it to cool in the fridge and apply it all over the face, allowing it to be absorbed.

What anti-wrinkle treatment can I use and which is the most recommended?

In order to have results when applying any professional treatment, you must be very sure of what your skin type is, since the way to treat oily skin is different from those of dry skin. There are several key ingredients that must be in every anti-aging product to be effective, such as hyaluronic acid, vitamin C and retinol.

To conclude, there is a wide range of theseĀ anti-aging products, which will help you heal your skin and have a younger and healthier appearance. I recommend that you seek professional advice, so that they tell you which treatment is best for your skin type and thus be able to take care of it.


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